Word of advice: If your in my house and I'm getting ready to where I have to curl my hair and put makeup on. It's going to be filled with makeup, it's not going to stay there, it'll move. DO NOT throw it across the f'ucking house and ruin my pallet because you're pissed that it's everywhere.
I do not leave my makeup in the bathroom leaving it a mess, I move it back to where it belongs. Don't damage my shit, of you do expect to be paying for new ones. K? K
I do not leave my makeup in the bathroom leaving it a mess, I move it back to where it belongs. Don't damage my shit, of you do expect to be paying for new ones. K? K

Btw I'm saying this because someone through one of my eyeshadow pallets and the colors fell out. They weren't damaged (thank god). Granted these are drug store makeup pallets so they're not very good anyways, still. I'm not buying makeup because you want to destroy it.
on May 16, 2020
on May 16, 2020

"Why doesn't your cat help me wake you up"
Because I promise cuddles, she's powerless against my cuddles. We have a mutual agreement that if she let's me sleep she gets all the cuddles. (She's my little baby)
Because I promise cuddles, she's powerless against my cuddles. We have a mutual agreement that if she let's me sleep she gets all the cuddles. (She's my little baby)
on May 16, 2020

I could have slept for another 2 hours, but no. It's graduation day and I need to suffer and get up early.
on May 16, 2020

Haha I want to post something but I'm afraid I'm going to be attacked, so I'm just not going to say anything.
on May 16, 2020

TW!!!! These are some things that trigger me/Some things that just make me panic.
- See More
>Sexual Harassment/Rape
>Animal Abuse
>Abuse in general
>Yelling (this causes panic and I get really aggressive), if you're attacking one of my p0sts or just attacking me, in general, my instant response is to fight automatically. If I don't situations get worse, if I do situations get worse and my flight response doesn't kick in).
>Something flying by my head, or heading directly toward my head. I have been hit numerous times if you hit me I will grab your arm aggressively and start crying because I do not want to be hit. It scares me and if I see something remotely at the corner of my eye I'll flinch. In other words, do not touch me.
>Knives, do not go near me with a knife, do not walk behind me with a knife, don't even hand me a knife. Yes, my fear of knives have gotten better I can hold one on my own terms I have to pick it up (emphasis on I). If you hand it to me I flinch and I step back. I hate them they bring back painful memories I just can't.
>Okay, this one isn't really a trigger, more of an "I don't like seeing it" type of situation. However, I'm not going to be on your ass if you p0st it. It's not worth saying so I'm just not going to say it.
>Please don't make fun of suicide, just people dying, in general, this upsets me because I lost a lot people in my life. Will I hate your guts, no I won't, however, I will ask you politely to stop.
>Schizophrenia and DID do not make fun of those! Do not fake those, I will block you and you will stay blocked.
I get I'm this blunt as bitch who always voices their opinions on literally everything, but I'm still sensitive. There are some things that upset me, I mean I guess I don't really care what you p0st it's your wall, I'm just going to remove it from my feed anyway so I don't have to see it. I'm not saying this because y'all are triggering me, I'm saying this because it's been on my mind for a while and I needed a place to put my thoughts.
- See More
>Sexual Harassment/Rape
>Animal Abuse
>Abuse in general
>Yelling (this causes panic and I get really aggressive), if you're attacking one of my p0sts or just attacking me, in general, my instant response is to fight automatically. If I don't situations get worse, if I do situations get worse and my flight response doesn't kick in).
>Something flying by my head, or heading directly toward my head. I have been hit numerous times if you hit me I will grab your arm aggressively and start crying because I do not want to be hit. It scares me and if I see something remotely at the corner of my eye I'll flinch. In other words, do not touch me.
>Knives, do not go near me with a knife, do not walk behind me with a knife, don't even hand me a knife. Yes, my fear of knives have gotten better I can hold one on my own terms I have to pick it up (emphasis on I). If you hand it to me I flinch and I step back. I hate them they bring back painful memories I just can't.
>Okay, this one isn't really a trigger, more of an "I don't like seeing it" type of situation. However, I'm not going to be on your ass if you p0st it. It's not worth saying so I'm just not going to say it.
>Please don't make fun of suicide, just people dying, in general, this upsets me because I lost a lot people in my life. Will I hate your guts, no I won't, however, I will ask you politely to stop.
>Schizophrenia and DID do not make fun of those! Do not fake those, I will block you and you will stay blocked.
I get I'm this blunt as bitch who always voices their opinions on literally everything, but I'm still sensitive. There are some things that upset me, I mean I guess I don't really care what you p0st it's your wall, I'm just going to remove it from my feed anyway so I don't have to see it. I'm not saying this because y'all are triggering me, I'm saying this because it's been on my mind for a while and I needed a place to put my thoughts.
on May 16, 2020

I don't care if I'm 18, I'm making a crown out of noodles and calling myself the Pasta King!
on May 16, 2020

I'll admit I'm a shitty human being, I've done some f'ucked up things that are unforgivable. However, I did change as a person and I'm slowly trying to forgive myself. I don't care if they've already forgiven me (I mean I do), I'm still going to feel guilty about it though.
on May 16, 2020

HOLY SHIT!!! If I swapped the black to a dark green and dyed my hair blonde I'd look like Dusk from the hex girls
on May 16, 2020

2 months with this account
Dude I need a new user, what should it be?
Clueless.pants.kaiden (funny story behind the pants part)
- Comment one below, it needs to fit my personality though
Dude I need a new user, what should it be?
Clueless.pants.kaiden (funny story behind the pants part)
- Comment one below, it needs to fit my personality though
on May 16, 2020

I forgot black lipstick with black eyeshadow completely clashes with my face. Why did I do this to myself?
on May 16, 2020


on May 16, 2020
on May 16, 2020

My cat was stolen from me
on May 16, 2020

on May 16, 2020

If you want me to put trigger warnings on my posts just let me know I'll understand.
on May 16, 2020