I remember I was in a group chat and this one chick became an admin a day after joining. I was so pissed, I mean she was nice and all but she wasn't even active.
I don't want to be an admin on that chat tbh though, the admins are extremely f'ucking rude towards other members of the LGBTQ and invalidate others sexualities. They'll diss you for being pansexual and they'll diss you for being Genderfluid because apparently those don't exist to them.
I don't want to be an admin on that chat tbh though, the admins are extremely f'ucking rude towards other members of the LGBTQ and invalidate others sexualities. They'll diss you for being pansexual and they'll diss you for being Genderfluid because apparently those don't exist to them.
on June 19, 2020

on June 19, 2020

My Shitty Phases because Jay's post was cool.
-Shakespeare script like shitposts, this went on for months I swear to f'ucking God I would shitpost in Shakespeare words jfc.
-My obsession with Wolf humans (I mean not much has changed)
-My love for Eyeless Jack and Thor (btw this was pure obsession), this was literally the stupidest phase I had. The fact that I had this phase disgusts me.
-Avengers play Pokemon go (I wrote this a long ass time ago)
-Qfeast the Musical (EGH)
-MaeTheMusical See More (Wtf)
-My obsession with Syrianna
-My pure drama phase (I got into a lot of drama)
-Drawing nothing but sonic ocs (I still have all of them)
I had a lot of shitty phases tbh it's hard to remember all of them.
-Shakespeare script like shitposts, this went on for months I swear to f'ucking God I would shitpost in Shakespeare words jfc.
-My obsession with Wolf humans (I mean not much has changed)
-My love for Eyeless Jack and Thor (btw this was pure obsession), this was literally the stupidest phase I had. The fact that I had this phase disgusts me.
-Avengers play Pokemon go (I wrote this a long ass time ago)
-Qfeast the Musical (EGH)
-MaeTheMusical See More (Wtf)
-My obsession with Syrianna
-My pure drama phase (I got into a lot of drama)
-Drawing nothing but sonic ocs (I still have all of them)
I had a lot of shitty phases tbh it's hard to remember all of them.
on June 19, 2020

I just remembered I had Tori on my watt, I'll be back
on June 19, 2020

Just when I thought my loneliness wasn't going to get any worse, people won't go near me because one of my bosses caught covid.
on June 19, 2020

Tfw when Pyre is the only living person who can kill the Phoenix yet he refuses to... oop
on June 19, 2020

I'm probably only going to get three likes anyways
-You're a strong independent person and talented
-You're talented and a strong independent person
-You're not afraid to post your rants because yeah...
-You're all Valid
Opinions: See More
-I honestly thought you were a cool person, because of the things you post. We share similar taste in stuff and that's what I thought was cool. Your opinions are valid to me and I listen to them. However, sometimes I feel like you hate me and I annoy you a lot.
-I honestly thought you were annoying at first, and imo I think you shouldn't be too quick to judge harshly on others. You're young and don't know everything. Yes, you are smart and mature for your age, but there are still things you don't know so just think about that okay.
-I honestly feel like you just hate me, but that's fine. My opinion is you need more respect because you're funny, and creative.
-You're all creative and great people
-You post something after thinking about it, and you constantly doubt yourself after you post it.
-You think you're not important to anyone but you really are.
-You sing to yourself all the time
:> I made it hard hopefully
-You're a strong independent person and talented
-You're talented and a strong independent person
-You're not afraid to post your rants because yeah...
-You're all Valid
Opinions: See More
-I honestly thought you were a cool person, because of the things you post. We share similar taste in stuff and that's what I thought was cool. Your opinions are valid to me and I listen to them. However, sometimes I feel like you hate me and I annoy you a lot.
-I honestly thought you were annoying at first, and imo I think you shouldn't be too quick to judge harshly on others. You're young and don't know everything. Yes, you are smart and mature for your age, but there are still things you don't know so just think about that okay.
-I honestly feel like you just hate me, but that's fine. My opinion is you need more respect because you're funny, and creative.
-You're all creative and great people
-You post something after thinking about it, and you constantly doubt yourself after you post it.
-You think you're not important to anyone but you really are.
-You sing to yourself all the time
:> I made it hard hopefully
on June 19, 2020

If I disappeared would anyone care?

on June 19, 2020
on June 19, 2020

TW: I'm talking about how not okay I am, like I do every f'ucking post I make
- See More
I'm not emotionally stable but I'm still working like I have my shit together, but really my mental state is beyond working repair. My check engine light has been on for too damn long and has stopped f'ucking working. At this point I don't even try keeping myself together because the glue I try to fix it with doesn't do shit. I'm broken in too many places and not enough flex tape can help that shit.
No, I don't need to vent. I do however need to get this worked out before it gets 100x worse. I'm trying to make myself happier, I am but why in the hell is it so hard?
- See More
I'm not emotionally stable but I'm still working like I have my shit together, but really my mental state is beyond working repair. My check engine light has been on for too damn long and has stopped f'ucking working. At this point I don't even try keeping myself together because the glue I try to fix it with doesn't do shit. I'm broken in too many places and not enough flex tape can help that shit.
No, I don't need to vent. I do however need to get this worked out before it gets 100x worse. I'm trying to make myself happier, I am but why in the hell is it so hard?
on June 19, 2020

Things I'm bad at and I'll never get good at!
-Writing (I can't write for the life of me)
-Everything in general, I can't do anything I'm f'ucking pathetic. I'm not even a good friend let alone girlfriend. No wonder why no one wants to be around me I'm depressed all the f'ucking time, I don't have much confidence, I'm a shitty person who hides themselves, I'm mean to everyone so I don't have to bother being friends with people because they're just going See More to leave me anyways and then I constantly feel alone. I am alone, I'm useless!! I have no good qualities, I'm just there to be there. I have no use for shit. So that's my mood rn and forever I guess.
-Writing (I can't write for the life of me)
-Everything in general, I can't do anything I'm f'ucking pathetic. I'm not even a good friend let alone girlfriend. No wonder why no one wants to be around me I'm depressed all the f'ucking time, I don't have much confidence, I'm a shitty person who hides themselves, I'm mean to everyone so I don't have to bother being friends with people because they're just going See More to leave me anyways and then I constantly feel alone. I am alone, I'm useless!! I have no good qualities, I'm just there to be there. I have no use for shit. So that's my mood rn and forever I guess.
on June 19, 2020

-Copying Jay because she posts cool things and she's awesome-
like this post and ill make an assumption and tell a fact about you and my opinion on you, but it’ll be secret and in random order.
like this post and ill make an assumption and tell a fact about you and my opinion on you, but it’ll be secret and in random order.

@ranmaru I usually always go for they/them because I don't want to assume. Thank you for correcting me though!
on June 19, 2020
on June 19, 2020

"Obama wasn't born in Hawaii he was born in Kenya"
Are you literally that f'ucking stupid? Look up "Where was Obama Born" it shows his f'ucking birth certificate and says Hawaii dumbass.
Are you literally that f'ucking stupid? Look up "Where was Obama Born" it shows his f'ucking birth certificate and says Hawaii dumbass.

on June 19, 2020
on June 19, 2020

My job has a vulpix pop figure!!!! -immediately runs to buy it as well as running to get the new Harley quinn one-
on June 19, 2020

on June 18, 2020

Wait a minute... models probably can't have colored hair...
on June 18, 2020

on June 18, 2020