on June 20, 2020


It'll actually take awhile my mom got pissed while I was doing it because I wasn't doing chores. It'll get done today I promise.
on June 20, 2020
on June 20, 2020

Since I feel better I'm going to rate some of my coworkers (not using real names due to confidentiality and so on). 1-10, 1 obviously being the worst.
Melody 3/10: Honestly, she complains too much about her job and how she doesn't get what she wants. She wants to spend most of her time on tower and gets pissed when she doesn't. She also constantly complains how this one girl managed to kiss two male lifeguards and she prides herself in that. Talks to me too often when I've blatantly See More told her I had no f'ucks to give because she constantly disrespects me and other higher ups. She claims I don't do my job correctly and I just f'uck around all day doing Jack shit. Fyi, she's literally the reason we stay until 9 to clean up the f'ucking park she's always talking to people.
Braysen 1/10: Always f'ucks up rotation by taking too long of breaks, told him numerous times it's 15 minutes not 20 and won't listen. Also sexually harassed and has touched a lot of the girls at the water park. Why the hell is he still working there.
Martin 8/10: He's a hard worker, but he's incredibly annoying at inservice. However, he is super nice to me and I'll be honest the one guy I'm not rude to at all.
Jaxsen 10/10: Theatre nerd, enjoys the best musicals, fun to talk to and isn't an egotistical jackass. Then again, this rating might change.
Landen 5/10: He's nice and he's helpful but he always talks to me and gets on my nerves. I respect that he's a decent guy, however he's immature and literally points out everything to me. He's obsessed with being everyone's friend and kept trying to get me to like him. I tolerate him.
Sally -5/10: If you're not going to show up for your shift just f'ucking quit already.
Ty 10/10: Only reason he gets a 10/10 is because he went down tube slide without a tube and wormed the entire way down the slide for 5 minutes straight. Imagine watching a guy worm for 5 minutes down a f'ucking tube slide, it was hilarious.
There's too many to rate.
Me 2/10: What amazes me is they kept me for 3 years
Melody 3/10: Honestly, she complains too much about her job and how she doesn't get what she wants. She wants to spend most of her time on tower and gets pissed when she doesn't. She also constantly complains how this one girl managed to kiss two male lifeguards and she prides herself in that. Talks to me too often when I've blatantly See More told her I had no f'ucks to give because she constantly disrespects me and other higher ups. She claims I don't do my job correctly and I just f'uck around all day doing Jack shit. Fyi, she's literally the reason we stay until 9 to clean up the f'ucking park she's always talking to people.
Braysen 1/10: Always f'ucks up rotation by taking too long of breaks, told him numerous times it's 15 minutes not 20 and won't listen. Also sexually harassed and has touched a lot of the girls at the water park. Why the hell is he still working there.
Martin 8/10: He's a hard worker, but he's incredibly annoying at inservice. However, he is super nice to me and I'll be honest the one guy I'm not rude to at all.
Jaxsen 10/10: Theatre nerd, enjoys the best musicals, fun to talk to and isn't an egotistical jackass. Then again, this rating might change.
Landen 5/10: He's nice and he's helpful but he always talks to me and gets on my nerves. I respect that he's a decent guy, however he's immature and literally points out everything to me. He's obsessed with being everyone's friend and kept trying to get me to like him. I tolerate him.
Sally -5/10: If you're not going to show up for your shift just f'ucking quit already.
Ty 10/10: Only reason he gets a 10/10 is because he went down tube slide without a tube and wormed the entire way down the slide for 5 minutes straight. Imagine watching a guy worm for 5 minutes down a f'ucking tube slide, it was hilarious.
There's too many to rate.
Me 2/10: What amazes me is they kept me for 3 years
on June 20, 2020

I want somebody to talk to me and convince me everything will be alright, because I'm not okay. I'm not okay, I haven't been okay in years. My emotional state is constantly getting worse and I probably should have gotten help years ago because it's getting to the point where every single day I have a mental breakdown at some f'ucking point within the day. ?? I'll be fine, I'll be fine I'm always fine the silent one is always fine.

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if I have a mental breakdown at work with how much I've been crying lately. Haha
on June 20, 2020
on June 20, 2020

I'm on the verge of tears because my mother literally won't stop reminding me how much my 'friends' don't care about me.
I'm going to die alone and that's fine, I'm cool with that. My life is going to hell anyways. I wish I didn't have emotions.
I'm going to die alone and that's fine, I'm cool with that. My life is going to hell anyways. I wish I didn't have emotions.

Your mom is wrong. I care about you. So many people care about you. My dms are open if you wanna talk.
on June 20, 2020

@damien I would love to talk, and there's so much to talk about I'm just hurting like always. Nothing different.
on June 20, 2020
on June 20, 2020

Our neighbors reported us before they moved and I'm f'ucking pissed. They steal like 3 of our kittens and we don't do shit, we were the nicest neighbors but as soon as it rains and our yard floods (because believe it or not heavy rain floods big shock!) They report us.
on June 20, 2020

"Alright who let Lucifer out of hell"
-everyone points to a sam-
-everyone points to a sam-
on June 20, 2020

Ngl I feel pretty rn and I just back home from work not that long ago... why the hell do I feel this way?
on June 20, 2020

Am I listening to old songs why yes, yes I am and I don't regret a thing.
on June 20, 2020

on June 20, 2020

I have Electric Avenue by Eddy Grant stuck in my head because of work jfc
on June 20, 2020

"You can tell if someone has autism or not"
No tf you can't
"Yes, you can."
Boy jfc! Can I fight these people!?!?!?!?!
No tf you can't
"Yes, you can."
Boy jfc! Can I fight these people!?!?!?!?!

@sodagalactics I mean I guess, but there are some where you can't. The reason I got upset is because they were making fun of him and it just pisses me off
on June 20, 2020
on June 20, 2020

Let's be 100% honest if I were in the story Divergent I would be dead, or faction less. I would be Divergent and everyone would f'ucking know.
on June 19, 2020

I miss you friend

on October 29, 2020

on October 29, 2020
on June 19, 2020

I used to be popular before I deleted my account, but I was popular for the wrong reasons
on June 19, 2020

Cat: I love you, I do give me your hand so I can kiss you
Me: -gives hand-
Cat: -goes to lick but instead starts biting-
Me: What did I ever do to you!! I feed you, and I give you snuggles! You love my snuggles!
Cat: You breathed!
Me: -gives hand-
Cat: -goes to lick but instead starts biting-
Me: What did I ever do to you!! I feed you, and I give you snuggles! You love my snuggles!
Cat: You breathed!
on June 19, 2020