Sometimes I forgot my username is Irrelevant...

@magic_fetus Lol
on July 16, 2020

I changed mine like 2 months ago and still keep forgetting I changed it lol
on July 16, 2020

I'm not even joking
on July 16, 2020
on July 16, 2020

Axolotls are cute

on July 16, 2020
on July 16, 2020

on July 15, 2020

As a child I called other kids 'children' because I hated others.
on July 15, 2020

I'll come out to my family after I graduate college

That way I don't have to worry about my family hating me while also trying to study for exams and deal with my college debt.
on July 15, 2020
on July 15, 2020

Y'all out there with kinks and I'm over here like 'Y'all need jesus' but for most of you Jesus is a safe word!
on July 15, 2020

If I annoy you with my posts I'm sorry
on July 15, 2020

As a person who used to call themself a psychopath and a sociopath because I thought it was cool and edgy.
Stop, it's really not and your fantasizing and actual disorder and it's not cute. It's disgusting and unhealthy.
Stop, it's really not and your fantasizing and actual disorder and it's not cute. It's disgusting and unhealthy.
on July 15, 2020

Quick PSA: If you tell a trans person they're not trans because they don't fit the stereotype, congrats, you have deemed yourself an asshole. ?stop?assuming?the?LGBTQ+?community?follow?the?stereotypes?! Everyone is different, we all go through things differently stop assuming we're all alike, and we like the same things. We don't listen to the same music, watch the same t.v shows, wear the same clothes, behave the same WE ? ARE ? DIFFERENT!!!
on July 15, 2020

I'm kind of okay now I guess... I'm not as pissed as I was earlier so that's good. I'm still not in the mood to talk about what's happening because I'm still kind of upset, and I don't want to refuel that anger because I was so furious I got dizzy earlier (nothing to worry about I assure you). I'll post my rant later after I cool off a little more. It'll be a multi part rant because there's a lot to rant about.
on July 15, 2020

I'm really lonely and I want a relationship... sadly it won't happen any time soon.

on July 15, 2020

Yes you are your mother never knew it but you were daddys girl (no homo)
on July 15, 2020
on July 15, 2020

I'm getting a black lives matter shirt and I'm hiding it from my parents. I'm going to try and go to protests (probably won't be able to because they control my car basically). but I'm going to do what I can.

I've already signed a lot of petitions (will sign more), I unfortunately cannot donate but I'll still do what I can.
on July 15, 2020
on July 15, 2020

With all this negativity in my life I'm going to eventually break down, but not until this economy finally changes into something good.
on July 15, 2020

I'm about to puke because of what I just f'ucking read.
on July 15, 2020

My aunt who loves to control literally everything, thinks she's better than everyone on this damned planet and thinks what she says is right now questions asked is finally realizing that none of that is true and is mentally breaking down. Now, I personally think it's karma kicking her in the ass, and I'm trying to feel bad but she still has the audacity to scream at people about her situation. She lost her job since covid started (a couple months after it started I should say), See More and is yelling at my family because we don't know what it feels like in her situation. I was looking for a job for 2 years, my other aunt was looking for a year and my aunt complaining was only looking a couple months. She took away my grandmother's home, took away my grandmother's car, and gave away my grandmother's thing so my grandmother could live with her, now because she doesn't have a job and she has to sit around at home she can't be around her mother and she's pawning her off to a house without the room. After her constantly going after us saying that we're pretty much less than her, she's better than us at everything we do she has the audacity to do this to us. Of course we're taking our grandmother in, we want her to be comfortable, however you don't get to treat us like shit for years and then act like you've been so nice and practically beg for our help only to shit on us again and try to control us by using our f'ucking grandmother as the key in this control situation. That's not how it works.
I don't like the fact my aunt is in this situation, however Karma is a f'ucking bitch. I'm sorry.
I don't like the fact my aunt is in this situation, however Karma is a f'ucking bitch. I'm sorry.
on July 15, 2020

I really need to stop trying to be a soprano, it really hurts my voice (I mean first soprano). I literally cannot, I'm trying to hit Christine's notes and I can hit them but it strains my voice afterwards.
However, I'm going to keep doing it. I love Phantom of the Opera.
However, I'm going to keep doing it. I love Phantom of the Opera.
on July 15, 2020