Should I start leaving tiny rainbows around the house as hints until I get the courage to come out to my family?.

on July 17, 2020
on July 17, 2020

Tiktok said dead mom and my google turned on... oof

@damien I was listening to a Beetlejuice musical sound on Tiktok and my google voice was activated when it said "Deadmom"
on July 17, 2020
on July 17, 2020

on July 17, 2020

on July 17, 2020

I'll be trying to restore my childhood curls until the day I die!!
Also Me: *didn't want to deal with them as a f'ucking child*
Also Me: *didn't want to deal with them as a f'ucking child*
on July 17, 2020

We have favoritism when it comes to musical auditions at my school and it lowkey pisses me off. The people who deserve the role don't get it, but the people who can't sing and are cocky get it.
I'm not saying this because I've never been the lead in a musical because frankly I don't care. I don't deserve it, I can't sing worth shit. However, give it to people who put their time and effort into the musical. Don't give it to the person who shows up for one day and then leaves See More only to rejoin without knowing any of their parts the last day THE LEAD THE FIRST F'UCKING HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL I WAS IN!!
I'm not saying this because I've never been the lead in a musical because frankly I don't care. I don't deserve it, I can't sing worth shit. However, give it to people who put their time and effort into the musical. Don't give it to the person who shows up for one day and then leaves See More only to rejoin without knowing any of their parts the last day THE LEAD THE FIRST F'UCKING HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL I WAS IN!!
on July 17, 2020

So, I can't dye my hair purple because the place didn't have purple hair dye ;-; sadly. I'm dying it blue flames. This won't happen until July 26th because my mom doesn't want me to have blue hair for graduation
on July 17, 2020

Also Me: *sleeping all the f'ucking time when I actually have time to film a tiktok*
Also Me: *sleeping all the f'ucking time when I actually have time to film a tiktok*
on July 16, 2020

I got a make America gay again shirt
on July 16, 2020

on July 16, 2020

Coworker: I need my own stand up comedy show!
Me: You'd have to be funny first
Manager: *trying not to laugh because of the coworkers reaction*
Me: I don't...
Coworker: Well, it's not my fault you're stone cold
Me: I'm not stone cold, I just laugh at things that are actually hilarious.
Me: You'd have to be funny first
Manager: *trying not to laugh because of the coworkers reaction*
Me: I don't...
Coworker: Well, it's not my fault you're stone cold
Me: I'm not stone cold, I just laugh at things that are actually hilarious.

Btw, I'll have you know I wasn't being mean to him I was completely pulling his leg, but the reaction was priceless. He knows he's funny, I've actually laughed at a lot of his jokes.
on July 16, 2020
on July 16, 2020

I despise children
"But you were a child yourself"
Exactly, I was a peace of shit! You think I want a mini me destroying the f'ucking neighborhood! No, I do that fine myself.
"But you were a child yourself"
Exactly, I was a peace of shit! You think I want a mini me destroying the f'ucking neighborhood! No, I do that fine myself.
on July 16, 2020

That's it, I'm researching!!!
I'm buying myself a fish, I'm getting an axolotl (after I get an apartment so not for awhile, however yes to the fish), I'm getting a hedgehog and I'm definitely DEFINITELY getting animals. They're all so cute, I will research every single day if I have to! I'm learning how to properly care for these animals.
I'm buying myself a fish, I'm getting an axolotl (after I get an apartment so not for awhile, however yes to the fish), I'm getting a hedgehog and I'm definitely DEFINITELY getting animals. They're all so cute, I will research every single day if I have to! I'm learning how to properly care for these animals.
on July 16, 2020

Never in a million years did I ever think I'd get a phone call from someone I knew in elementary on my friends phone.

on July 16, 2020

Story Time: I was getting 'prank called' by this girl named C. She was supposed to act like she knew me from somewhere and she legit f'ucking did!! Elementary school man, lmfao.
on July 16, 2020
on July 16, 2020