My tiktok user is now Irrelevant.Thespian

I have no regrets
on July 13, 2020
on July 13, 2020

I need to seriously put a tracker on everything I own I guess. It either gets moved so I can't find it, or I get distracted so I don't remember where I set things.
on July 13, 2020

My water bottle is missing along with my car keys and I've had both yesterday and now I can't find them where I set them. It pisses me off because people keep moving my stuff and not telling me where they put it, then complain when I ask them where it is.
I set stuff places for a reason so I know where it's at when I go to move it and it's gone I'm going to ask where it is, and the 'Well maybe you should have put it where it belongs instead of just setting it somewhere' is going See More to get you slapped. I place things in places for a reason, and that's so I can find it not for you to move it and scream at me because I can't find something.
I set stuff places for a reason so I know where it's at when I go to move it and it's gone I'm going to ask where it is, and the 'Well maybe you should have put it where it belongs instead of just setting it somewhere' is going See More to get you slapped. I place things in places for a reason, and that's so I can find it not for you to move it and scream at me because I can't find something.
on July 13, 2020

I have a huge political rant coming up
on July 13, 2020

I'll be 100% honest, I'm extremely bitchy when I'm hangry.
on July 13, 2020

I haven't eaten anything at all today
"Whose fault is that, the person who slept until 1 in the afternoon."
You know what, she does the same exact thing and she has the f'ucking audacity to say that to me. Goes on about how she's hungry and she talks to someone for an hour knowing I haven't had anything to eat and I get pissed when I'm hungry. She is a hypocritical asshole. UGH
"Whose fault is that, the person who slept until 1 in the afternoon."
You know what, she does the same exact thing and she has the f'ucking audacity to say that to me. Goes on about how she's hungry and she talks to someone for an hour knowing I haven't had anything to eat and I get pissed when I'm hungry. She is a hypocritical asshole. UGH

I'm done I'm about to cause a scene just so I can get food. It is 6:42 and I haven't eaten anything since I woke up this morning which was actually 8!
on July 13, 2020
on July 13, 2020

If qfeast deletes my account because I swear so goddamn much. Just know that it was nice knowing you and I'm a bitch.
on July 13, 2020

Going to decorate my room like a college dorm when I:
1) Have the money to do it
2) Renovate my room
3) Do some stuff I'm not going to disclose here rn
I'm going to do a lot of things to my room while I'm off at college.
1) Have the money to do it
2) Renovate my room
3) Do some stuff I'm not going to disclose here rn
I'm going to do a lot of things to my room while I'm off at college.
on July 13, 2020

Me talking about Shakespeare to my family: ?
My Family: ?
My Brother: ?
My friends: ?
My Family: ?
My Brother: ?
My friends: ?
on July 13, 2020

I spent all last night watching the Twilight movies, be disappointed in me.
on July 12, 2020

I'm watching the Twilight series because I need cringe
on July 12, 2020

I'm glad I quit my old job, I couldn't dye my hair unnatural colors. Literally my hair was purple and I had to dye it to a natural color because I couldn't dye my hair. However, my coworker can show up with blue hair and she gets to keep it. I have to get rid of it, but of course someone else gets to keep it. I see how it is.
Never will I ever be a favorite, I work my ass off but I'll never be good enough. This is why I quit, because I worked my ass off and nothing was ever See More good enough for him, he'd yell at me all the damn time for doing what I was supposed to be doing, and helping others, HE EVEN CUT MY HOURS AND GAVE IT TO A GIRL WHO NEVER SHOWED UP FOR F'UCKING WORK!!!!
I'm glad I quit, now I work at a place that appreciates me.
Never will I ever be a favorite, I work my ass off but I'll never be good enough. This is why I quit, because I worked my ass off and nothing was ever See More good enough for him, he'd yell at me all the damn time for doing what I was supposed to be doing, and helping others, HE EVEN CUT MY HOURS AND GAVE IT TO A GIRL WHO NEVER SHOWED UP FOR F'UCKING WORK!!!!
I'm glad I quit, now I work at a place that appreciates me.
on July 12, 2020

My cousins are following me on tiktok now jfc.

@damien True, true but then that would cause a huge fight in the family and the reason why I added them was to avoid a fight
on July 12, 2020
on July 12, 2020

People ask me why I hate my family, it's because I can't stand them.

on July 12, 2020
on July 12, 2020