I pity thy mother if 't be true the lady thinkest thou art cunning because thou art not
on July 11, 2020

'Consume a container of dicks' is the medieval version of 'Eat a bag of dicks'
on July 11, 2020

I got too into the music and I started screaming it and my mom yelled at me... Welcome new neighbors, you have a musical nerd that belts shit she can't sing to and does it for hours on end, you're welcome for blessing you with our presence. Don't forget, you moved here we've been here since 2011.
Also, y'all never responded to seeing that Boston Butt
Also, y'all never responded to seeing that Boston Butt
on July 11, 2020

I'm not a soprano
on July 11, 2020

on July 11, 2020

I'm going to sing along to the track because I'm too lazy to find the karaoke
on July 11, 2020

"I want to be disappointed in you, but I can't"
Me: *dying of laughter because of a butt joke I made that's not even funny*
Me: *dying of laughter because of a butt joke I made that's not even funny*
on July 11, 2020

I used to be heavily into Shakespeare and it's been years since I've heavily read his plays jfc. I'm also into Edgar Allan Poe (I own some of his books, they're really old too and I would inhale the book smell but they're old and probably moldy and I have no interest in dying.
Is it bad that I literally buy books to read and for their new book smell. (I also buy books from Thrift Stores, that's how I bought Uncle Tom's Cabin).
I even have Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables See More and I'm SWOONING over those books AAAAA. Just my inner book nerd coming out, don't mind me I'm literally obsessed.
Is it bad that I literally buy books to read and for their new book smell. (I also buy books from Thrift Stores, that's how I bought Uncle Tom's Cabin).
I even have Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables See More and I'm SWOONING over those books AAAAA. Just my inner book nerd coming out, don't mind me I'm literally obsessed.
on July 11, 2020

I had possible usernames to go off off
-Cancel.Culture (as a f'ucking joke)
-Dumbass See More
-Americas.Ass (reference)
-Cancel.Culture (as a f'ucking joke)
-Dumbass See More
-Americas.Ass (reference)

I also had Thespian.Lesbian but I'm not 100% a lesbian so- that wouldn't have worked.
And Grammatically.Incorrect
And Grammatically.Incorrect
on July 11, 2020
on July 11, 2020

Me when someone messages me back: ?
Me when I think a person likes me: ?
Me when I think a person likes me: ?
on July 11, 2020

I'm going to be offline for a bit

I saw an old video of my cat who passed away so I'll be offline for a bit, it still hurts.
on July 10, 2020
on July 10, 2020

I've been back for only a few months (I can't remember exactly how long I've been here tbh). However, I've already been blocked by two people.
on July 10, 2020

I 100% regret making one of my users AvengersFanMae because I literally cannot change my user. I don't go by Mae anymore and I'm too lazy to make a new snap because people won't add me on it anyways.
on July 10, 2020

Can someone help me create another q account please!? I need to troll!!!!
on July 10, 2020