on September 18, 2020

Me: *wanting to get to sleep*
Also Me: *crying for no reason*
Also Me: *crying for no reason*
on September 18, 2020

Here's something I didn't want in my head:
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I solely believe I'm going to ruin things with this guy because I'm f'ucking stupid and I ruin everything. I'm going to try not to, but now my brain started thinking this way it's going to f'ucking happen. I just know it is!
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I solely believe I'm going to ruin things with this guy because I'm f'ucking stupid and I ruin everything. I'm going to try not to, but now my brain started thinking this way it's going to f'ucking happen. I just know it is!

@Irrelevant If he likes you for the way you are then its no problem, and if things dont work out then he isnt the one for you, you'll find the one but it seems this boy really cares for you so dont think badly!
on September 18, 2020

on September 18, 2020

Dont think that, it seems that he likes you the way you are! And if things dont work out, ill be here to comfort you!
on September 18, 2020
on September 18, 2020

Trigger Warning: Mentions of Rape
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Went on Facebook, scrolled down a couple p0sts then I saw one about r@pe, sexual harassment and assault. It brought up memories I did not want to remember.
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Went on Facebook, scrolled down a couple p0sts then I saw one about r@pe, sexual harassment and assault. It brought up memories I did not want to remember.

on September 18, 2020

@Irrelevant Awwwwwwwww the guy you are talking to seems to really care about you, it's so cute! I wish you the best of luck with him!
on September 18, 2020

Also, unrelated note... the guy I'm talking to respects boundaries and when I explained to him what happened to me he just held me and I was about ready to cry.
on September 18, 2020
on September 18, 2020

I came up with the stupidest sex joke and my brain is currently exploding
on September 18, 2020

Idk why but I'm still trapped in the time where I went by Phoenix. Everytime someone says Phoenix I'm like "What now? What do you need?" What's funny is I've been going by Kaiden for three years now so you'd think I'm used to being called Kaiden... nope!
on September 18, 2020

I'm so tired I need to try and stay up

on September 18, 2020

@Irrelevant Well, what do I call you then? Bc on Sammy's bio its says you are her online sibling- and im her online daughter- so what are you to me?
on September 18, 2020
on September 18, 2020

on September 18, 2020

Now, Winnie Sanderson dancing to the wap is something I didn't need but I wanted.
on September 17, 2020

on September 17, 2020

on September 17, 2020

So I went to a guys house, fell asleep while watching a movie (that's not bad okay, he just cuddled). Today, I woke up and that boy paid for my gas because I'm a broke ass bitch ??. He is so sweet.
on September 17, 2020

When you're a dumbass and your lost so the person you're meeting with has to save your ass
on September 16, 2020

In 5 months I'm going to change my username to something beautiful
The one and only
So listen close
It's only for today
You just got pranked by song lyrics
The one and only
So listen close
It's only for today
You just got pranked by song lyrics
on September 16, 2020

Couples costume idea... but I'm single
Cloak and Dagger!
Raven and Beast boy
Bonnie and Clyde
Starfire and Robin
Black Widow and Clint Barton
-these are either shipped people or iconic duos- See More
Daphne and Fred
Raven and Starfire
Negasonic Teenage Warfare and Yukio
Ruby and Sapphire
I need more gay ships because this is depressing.
Cloak and Dagger!
Raven and Beast boy
Bonnie and Clyde
Starfire and Robin
Black Widow and Clint Barton
-these are either shipped people or iconic duos- See More
Daphne and Fred
Raven and Starfire
Negasonic Teenage Warfare and Yukio
Ruby and Sapphire
I need more gay ships because this is depressing.
on September 16, 2020

I have a thing against dating people younger than me, and some people really test me. I've only have dated two people younger. 1) lied to me about their age and 2) I thought he was older than me because he was a grade above lol.
Some people can do it, I cannot.
Some people can do it, I cannot.
on September 16, 2020