If I buy Harry Potter Merch does it go towards the person who made the books or the person who designed the clothes? I would like to support the person who designed the clothes rather than support dare I speak the name? No.
on September 15, 2020

Why do I feel like I'm nothing
on September 15, 2020

I'm now going to regret all of my life choices, question why the hell I do things, and why I ever said yes in the first place
on September 15, 2020

When you're currently having a mental breakdown but you can't cry because your roommate is in the room with you and you're afraid you'll wake her.

on September 15, 2020
on September 15, 2020

I'm going for a coffee with a girl tomorrow, met her on tinder. I want to be her friend.
on September 15, 2020

I'm hanging out with a cute girl who likes my style and rn I look like a ugly potato without makeup

on September 15, 2020
on September 15, 2020

on September 15, 2020

Can someone explain to me why an ad was showing a f'ucking ssn card? Like wtf
on September 15, 2020

I want to test something, does anyone know where I can get white foundation.

Uh,, costume shops actually use face paint but that's all I can think of
A lot of drag queens ik of usually use Crylon paint sticks
A lot of drag queens ik of usually use Crylon paint sticks
on September 15, 2020

I'm wanting to mix colors and see if I can make blue foundation instead of having to buy face paint
on September 15, 2020
on September 15, 2020

I have 0 to no music talent except for the fact that I can sing... kind of... that still sucks
on September 15, 2020

Can someone give me a tarot reading about how my 2020 will go? I want to know if I should just put an end to my contact with the human world or not. No I'm not dying, I'm just becoming a hermit.
on September 14, 2020

on September 14, 2020

In process of stealing I might fail (btw I'm talking about stealing a person as in, I'm asking this person out)
on September 14, 2020