I need someone to tell me I'm not fine when I try to convince them I'm fine and have them cuddle me until I feel better.
I'm not going to get that tho
I'm not going to get that tho

I'll do that for you, I mean I cant really cuddle you but ill be here for you!
on September 19, 2020
on September 19, 2020

I honestly feel like he hates me just won't admit it
on September 19, 2020

I can send this guy disgusting pictures of myself (me looking like a total dweeb, and yes, I own the fact I'm a dweeb) and he just does it right back. Also, he likes me short hair, he said he'd love for me to grow it out but he doesn't care if I shave it again. He knows what I look like without it, he says both is attractive.
on September 19, 2020

Me: *saying I'm chubby and unattractive*
Guy I Like: Bitch where?
Guy I Like: Bitch where?

on September 19, 2020
on September 19, 2020

Me: *going off about how I'm the ruler of hell*
Guy I Like: So you're Crowley?
Me: No, Crowley is the King I am the ruler! The Archangel in charge of everyone including Crowley
Guy I Like: So you're Lucifer
Me: Yeah
Guy I Like: No you're not
Me: yeah I am See More
Guy I Like: You're weird
Me: We already established this
Guy I Like: Weird is adorable though
Me: *happy noises*
Guy I Like: So you're Crowley?
Me: No, Crowley is the King I am the ruler! The Archangel in charge of everyone including Crowley
Guy I Like: So you're Lucifer
Me: Yeah
Guy I Like: No you're not
Me: yeah I am See More
Guy I Like: You're weird
Me: We already established this
Guy I Like: Weird is adorable though
Me: *happy noises*
on September 19, 2020

Whoever trusted me enough to leave me alone with my thoughts really under estimated the power of how much I hate myself.
on September 19, 2020

If it doesn't work out with this guy I'm going to be very sad, but I'm also going to say I told you so. Because this is how life works.
Now I've got to go, I've got an exam.
Now I've got to go, I've got an exam.
on September 19, 2020

Also I'm a chubby being and he is a skinny boy and he says it doesn't matter, I'm cute. ??
on September 19, 2020

I hung out with this guy on Wednesday (same one I've been talking about, okay). We talked about our past relationships, explained what happened in mine (as did he) and he just hugs me before I start crying. Usually when I tell people they either say shut up it's done and over with but he just hugged me and told me "You've had a terrible experience, I'm sorry". Also, this guy is really respectful he asked to cuddle me, he asked to kiss my cheek. The respect that he has just makes See More me cry! Also, he's shorter than me AND LET'S ME MAKE TALL JOKES!!!!! HE LET'S ME MAKE TALL JOKES!!
on September 18, 2020

I love how this guy constantly calls me a weirdo, and continues to say that it's cute.
Also, he watches Criminal Minds and shares a lot of similar interests and listens to great music.
I'm going to talk about him until he realizes I'm actually crazy and wants nothing to do with me. I give him 2 days.
Also, he watches Criminal Minds and shares a lot of similar interests and listens to great music.
I'm going to talk about him until he realizes I'm actually crazy and wants nothing to do with me. I give him 2 days.
on September 18, 2020

on September 18, 2020

Me casually talking with a guy I like telling him how to kill someone, and dispose of the body and not get caught. Him telling me that I'm a cute weirdo with strange interests, and tells me when a commercial about a crime t.v show comes on that they should take my advice because maybe then they'd get away with it.
Goddamn I love this guy
Goddamn I love this guy

@Lil_Phoenix Love is not a concept rn, we've just started talking a couple weeks ago. Maybe if we're still talking in a couple months which is unlikely
on September 18, 2020

on September 18, 2020
on September 18, 2020

I used to be obsessed with Eyeless Jack and I had no idea why
It was the blue mask
It was the blue mask
on September 18, 2020

I'm actually changing my name from Kaiden though, I just don't know what yet.
on September 18, 2020

on September 18, 2020

I'm going to get the "Always a bridesmaid never the bride" speech from someone.
on September 18, 2020

I'm changing my legal name to Irrelevant
on September 18, 2020