If this gets a couple likes and a comment saying they actually want to hear it, I'll sing Think of Me (from Phantom of the Opera) and post it on tik tok.

The fact I didn't expect this to be liked actually makes me a little happy.
on April 07, 2020
on April 07, 2020

on April 07, 2020

Best thing about being 18 is voting, I can vote Trump out of presidency. What's bad about being 18, not much really. They raised the age to buy cigarettes, which in my honest opinion is great. I can still buy lottery tickets so that's cool. However, they want to stop underage kids from getting cigarettes, well parents can easily get them for the child just like alcohol. You're never truly going to stop the problem we have in America, I'm sorry. But I do appreciate the efforts. See More
There are some plus sides to his presidency, however do I still like him as my president? Absolutely not. I'm not a trump supporter, I'm just trying to see some light in these dark times, because hey... at least it's not Pence.
There are some plus sides to his presidency, however do I still like him as my president? Absolutely not. I'm not a trump supporter, I'm just trying to see some light in these dark times, because hey... at least it's not Pence.
on April 07, 2020

Art Contest!!!!
Okay the requirements (to keep from cheating)
-Must have your username written in pencil on the paper with red pen. (I don't want any art thieves).
-It will be due by April 27th (that should be enough time)
The drawing will be simple, figure of a person with a background. Now it can be a person's shadow on a road going towards a town. Put you must have a person, and you must have a background in order to qualify. Winners, will kind of get a pat on the back, mostly See More because this contest is to give you something to do if you're bored at home. You're welcome.
Okay the requirements (to keep from cheating)
-Must have your username written in pencil on the paper with red pen. (I don't want any art thieves).
-It will be due by April 27th (that should be enough time)
The drawing will be simple, figure of a person with a background. Now it can be a person's shadow on a road going towards a town. Put you must have a person, and you must have a background in order to qualify. Winners, will kind of get a pat on the back, mostly See More because this contest is to give you something to do if you're bored at home. You're welcome.
on April 07, 2020

Let's not talk about how it's 1 in the morning and I'm still awake watching tiktoks. Let's talk about why I'm awake at 1 in the morning rewatching the same video for the past three hours.
on April 07, 2020

I have to write a poem for class and here's what I have so far.
I felt so afraid,
Trapped in the games my mind has played.
Felt so alone, I couldn't say,
The thoughts going on in my head,
Telling me I was better off dead.
I wanted to believe everything was normal, See More
Instead I'm stuck in a terrible quarrel.
I said I was fine,
As I was breaking down from the inside.
From all this pain and suffering.
I've always wanted to feel like I belonged,
But in this world society felt that to be wrong.
That's about all I have so far, I don't know how I feel about it.
I felt so afraid,
Trapped in the games my mind has played.
Felt so alone, I couldn't say,
The thoughts going on in my head,
Telling me I was better off dead.
I wanted to believe everything was normal, See More
Instead I'm stuck in a terrible quarrel.
I said I was fine,
As I was breaking down from the inside.
From all this pain and suffering.
I've always wanted to feel like I belonged,
But in this world society felt that to be wrong.
That's about all I have so far, I don't know how I feel about it.
on April 07, 2020

How are you going to pull yourself out of this damned hole this time? Well here's a good answer I DON'T F'UCKING KNOW!? Why did this corona thing have to happen my senior year, I was doing just fine in my lit class until I f'ucking started online schooling. What's going to happen, failure that's what! And why am I going to fail, because I'm a stupid idiot for thinking I could do this. If I talk to my teacher tomorrow I'm going to end up crying on google meet because of how upset See More I am with myself because I failed a stupid test. I'm going to get ranted at for hours after the grade goes in tomorrow. I don't know what to do and I'm screaming.
on April 07, 2020

So since the start of the quarantine it's been alright, however now it's finally sinking in. I failed a f'ucking test and now I might not graduate, I have no idea how the f'uck I'm going to finish my senior project so I've been crying on and off this entire day. My mom is going to hate me for the rest of my f'ucking life and I'm going to end up crying myself to sleep. Why? Because I'm a f'ucking screw up!
on April 07, 2020

I hope what I read was a joke, I'm not going to start drama about it, if they want to talk to me PM me.
Don't joke about schizophrenia, it's not a laughing matter. Having been manipulated by an ex who claimed to be schizophrenic and went through a lot of toxicity with that relationship, and a family member who actually has schizophrenia it's not a laughing matter. I understand if you're joking about it, but please don't it's extremely hard on the people who suffer from it, and See More those who have to watch their loved ones suffer from it. It's a serious disorder, and shouldn't be joked about, just like DID (they're different disorders but still should not be joked about).
Don't joke about schizophrenia, it's not a laughing matter. Having been manipulated by an ex who claimed to be schizophrenic and went through a lot of toxicity with that relationship, and a family member who actually has schizophrenia it's not a laughing matter. I understand if you're joking about it, but please don't it's extremely hard on the people who suffer from it, and See More those who have to watch their loved ones suffer from it. It's a serious disorder, and shouldn't be joked about, just like DID (they're different disorders but still should not be joked about).

@Xx_Seiya_xX My ex faked having DID (called it MPD) and Schizophrenia, at random times I'd get text messages saying that he was bleeding out on his bed and dying and his friend was keeping him from bleeding out. He kept alter switching which honestly if you actually have DID it's fine it's normal but with his he'd constantly attack himself and it was getting See More stressful. Most nights I wouldn't fall asleep because I was waiting for the message that he was okay. I was constantly being lied to, and I actually let myself stay in the relationship because I believed I was happy.
on April 07, 2020

on April 07, 2020

I'm not calling anyone out directly, I'm just saying in general please don't do that. It's just, it's not right.
on April 07, 2020
on April 07, 2020

I'm watching Cinderella 3 to watch someone yeet themselves out of a castle.
on April 07, 2020

Sir, if you could inform me as to why I'm not able to say heck but I can scream f'uck at the top of my lungs? That hardly seems fair.
on April 07, 2020

on April 07, 2020

When you scream snuggle time and your cat runs in. I call this happiness.
on April 06, 2020

For those who support Harley Quinn's relationship with Joker, um... I'll have you know that it's an abusive relationship and Ivy and Harley are 100x better together.
on April 06, 2020

Guess who's going to cry, me. Am I going to stop crying no, because I hate online schooling and I just failed a f'ucking test because I didn't realize I could use a f'ucking study guide! So, I'm going to get my ass chewed out by my parents and I'm going to be crying. So, I'll see you all in about a month after I'm done dying inside.
on April 06, 2020

Did I just get on a video call with my ASL teacher just to talk to her, yes I did. She is one of my favorite teachers to talk to in the morning. I can vent to her about anything and she helps me through the shit I go through. She also treats me like her kid and that's honestly the best thing ever.
on April 06, 2020