When drama is going on in your feed *sips tea and goes back to watching Riverdale*
on April 06, 2020

One of my favorite characters is Aden Woods from The Academy (my story), only reason why is he is a short, stubby dragon lord who is extremely feisty. Okay so dragonlords are typically 6'6 the tallest being 7'0, and Aden is 4'6. His friend Everest is 6'3 and they constantly get into arguments, and they're basically considered an old married couple.
My second favorite character has to be Max, he's my villain in The Phoenix. Okay, so he's a big (a lot) psychotic and kills people See More for fun. However, he's actually just a smol bean who wants attention from his father. Actually, he just wants to be noticed and the only way he has been noticed was through his kills. Anyways, Phoenix saves him from going to prison and well now he turned into a poptart loving smol child.
My third favorite character is Ana, she's an assassin. Through everything she's been through, tortured through experimentation, and being forced to join the assassin league, she still manages to crack a smile. Making jokes, and being a dork.
My second favorite character has to be Max, he's my villain in The Phoenix. Okay, so he's a big (a lot) psychotic and kills people See More for fun. However, he's actually just a smol bean who wants attention from his father. Actually, he just wants to be noticed and the only way he has been noticed was through his kills. Anyways, Phoenix saves him from going to prison and well now he turned into a poptart loving smol child.
My third favorite character is Ana, she's an assassin. Through everything she's been through, tortured through experimentation, and being forced to join the assassin league, she still manages to crack a smile. Making jokes, and being a dork.
on April 06, 2020

Dear people who told me asthma was safe from coronavirus,
You need to take a trip to google because you are incorrect. I did a little bit of research and guess what it says: "Older people, and people with other medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease), may be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill." That is directly quoted from CDC, so those who told me I'd be safe from Coronavirus needs to do their research. I am very much at risk, so y'all can fight See More me.
Also, wash your hands people please.
You need to take a trip to google because you are incorrect. I did a little bit of research and guess what it says: "Older people, and people with other medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease), may be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill." That is directly quoted from CDC, so those who told me I'd be safe from Coronavirus needs to do their research. I am very much at risk, so y'all can fight See More me.
Also, wash your hands people please.

on April 06, 2020

on April 06, 2020
on April 06, 2020

My characters tragic backstories through their eyes.
Cassie: I watched my entire family burn because of who I was.
Syrianna: I watched my father leave as my mother was burned in her own temple, and my siblings hunted like animals by the woman who I called a sister.
Pyre: I held my mother as she died in my arms because my father killed her out of spite.
Max: I kill people cause I like it, and Pyre is a pain in my ass by stopping me.
Phoenix: My parents disappeared after Darrien See More took over my home world Ignatius.
Everest: I don't remember anything
Ana: I was kidnapped as a child and remained in a lab for majority of my life until I was freed by a man who later died by my hand, because he was a dick.
Keva: I was kidnapped as a baby the day of my birth and raised by the man who wanted me as his servant. I watched as my first love died because of my lust for blood.
Evan: I just write letters to a dead person because I need someone to vent to.
Jennifer Winters: My parents were killed in a fire and I was adopted by humans who raised me like I was supposed to.
Amari: I was abandoned in the woods because of my relations to the elves. My father trying to kill me for what was in my blood, but I was found by wolves and became the Dark Wolf. (She can see wolf spirits)
Cassie: I watched my entire family burn because of who I was.
Syrianna: I watched my father leave as my mother was burned in her own temple, and my siblings hunted like animals by the woman who I called a sister.
Pyre: I held my mother as she died in my arms because my father killed her out of spite.
Max: I kill people cause I like it, and Pyre is a pain in my ass by stopping me.
Phoenix: My parents disappeared after Darrien See More took over my home world Ignatius.
Everest: I don't remember anything
Ana: I was kidnapped as a child and remained in a lab for majority of my life until I was freed by a man who later died by my hand, because he was a dick.
Keva: I was kidnapped as a baby the day of my birth and raised by the man who wanted me as his servant. I watched as my first love died because of my lust for blood.
Evan: I just write letters to a dead person because I need someone to vent to.
Jennifer Winters: My parents were killed in a fire and I was adopted by humans who raised me like I was supposed to.
Amari: I was abandoned in the woods because of my relations to the elves. My father trying to kill me for what was in my blood, but I was found by wolves and became the Dark Wolf. (She can see wolf spirits)
on April 06, 2020

I can't hear See you Again by Carrie Underwood without thinking of my friend who passed away.
on April 06, 2020

Irrelevant added a photo to the starred list
me and my dog are kicking ur ass for being transphobic

on April 06, 2020

I'll be honest, idk if Kaiden is my official name. I haven't legally changed it yet, I'm still searching for a name that suits me. So far I like Kaiden and I'm thinking about keeping it.
on April 05, 2020

Dad: There's rainbows everywhere, you just don't see them.
Me: Spread the gay
Me: Spread the gay
on April 05, 2020

Due to recent events I'm inspired to write Infected, however since I'm not a good writer I might as well just not.
on April 05, 2020

First person who comments gets a quote of their choice added to my bio.

on April 05, 2020
on April 05, 2020

She also threatened to throw shit away in my room, well in that case I might as well just move out and live with someone else. Not like she'd care, I'd finally be out of her hair. Only thing she'd be pissed about is that she won't get help buying groceries.
She literally treats me like shit, "discipline" no that isn't discipline, it's treating your child like crap. "I brought you into this world, I can take you out", might as well f'ucking do it! I'm not pleasing you well enough! See More She threaten to take my shit away when I don't do one thing, you yell at me for hours giving you an attitude THAT YOU STARTED IN THE FIRST PLACE! You yell at me for being gay, threatening to make it so I can't be with my friends because they're the reason I came out. She rants at me because I'm "fat" and I wear makeup "to try and please guys". She yells at me because I want my hair cut "you just want to rebel and cut your hair because I always kept your hair long". She refused to go an buy me a f'ucking inhaler because I go through them so fast I HAVE F'UCKING ASTHMA WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT! ME TO JUST BE ABLE TO BREATHE DURING AN ASTHMA ATTACK! She has asthma too and hers is better than mine. I have the worst asthma, and she yells at me when I go through inhalers. No shit sherlock it's because my lungs are worse than yours! She yells at me for not doing something my sister was supposed to do. She literally yells at me because she wants to at this point. So, that's where I am sitting at.
She keeps telling me how much she loves me, but if she actually cared about me she would f'ucking listen to me. To her my words aren't worth shit. She wants me to be perfect, but her standards are to high to get to. She hates the fact I'm in choir "it's not going to do you any good in college" harassed me to stay in band in college, saying that it'll help me in college. Like choir isn't? She bitched at me because I wanted to be in psychology rather than being a lawyer, when really I want to be in forensics. That's what I want to be in, I want to be a forensic scientist but considering you bitched at me for that I'll get something more high end and be a psychologist! I'm literally so done with her I can't stand her! Literally everything I do she bitches at me! Nothing I do satisfies her! I'm writing a song for my senior project, "Can't you do something more worth other people's time?" No, I want to do what I want to do, this is my senior project and I get to pick it. Not my mother. She complains because the song is depressing, well here mom give some f'ucking happiness in my life and maybe it wouldn't be!
Nothing pleases her so I'm done trying, I'm literally to the point where after I'm finished with college I'm moving out of state and ignoring her f'ucking ass. She doesn't like me, well good f'ucking riddance, I'm done with her.
She literally treats me like shit, "discipline" no that isn't discipline, it's treating your child like crap. "I brought you into this world, I can take you out", might as well f'ucking do it! I'm not pleasing you well enough! See More She threaten to take my shit away when I don't do one thing, you yell at me for hours giving you an attitude THAT YOU STARTED IN THE FIRST PLACE! You yell at me for being gay, threatening to make it so I can't be with my friends because they're the reason I came out. She rants at me because I'm "fat" and I wear makeup "to try and please guys". She yells at me because I want my hair cut "you just want to rebel and cut your hair because I always kept your hair long". She refused to go an buy me a f'ucking inhaler because I go through them so fast I HAVE F'UCKING ASTHMA WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT! ME TO JUST BE ABLE TO BREATHE DURING AN ASTHMA ATTACK! She has asthma too and hers is better than mine. I have the worst asthma, and she yells at me when I go through inhalers. No shit sherlock it's because my lungs are worse than yours! She yells at me for not doing something my sister was supposed to do. She literally yells at me because she wants to at this point. So, that's where I am sitting at.
She keeps telling me how much she loves me, but if she actually cared about me she would f'ucking listen to me. To her my words aren't worth shit. She wants me to be perfect, but her standards are to high to get to. She hates the fact I'm in choir "it's not going to do you any good in college" harassed me to stay in band in college, saying that it'll help me in college. Like choir isn't? She bitched at me because I wanted to be in psychology rather than being a lawyer, when really I want to be in forensics. That's what I want to be in, I want to be a forensic scientist but considering you bitched at me for that I'll get something more high end and be a psychologist! I'm literally so done with her I can't stand her! Literally everything I do she bitches at me! Nothing I do satisfies her! I'm writing a song for my senior project, "Can't you do something more worth other people's time?" No, I want to do what I want to do, this is my senior project and I get to pick it. Not my mother. She complains because the song is depressing, well here mom give some f'ucking happiness in my life and maybe it wouldn't be!
Nothing pleases her so I'm done trying, I'm literally to the point where after I'm finished with college I'm moving out of state and ignoring her f'ucking ass. She doesn't like me, well good f'ucking riddance, I'm done with her.
on April 05, 2020

Mom: *wakes me up early in the f'ucking morning so we can have a church service* *yells at my sister for falling asleep and giving an attitude*
Me and my sister: *tired as f'uck cause we didnt get much sleep last night* *goes back to sleep after church service*
My mom: Get off your asses, you don't need to sleep all f'ucking day! Clean your goddamn rooms! *goes to f'ucking take a nap*
Moral of the damn story is my mom is a f'ucking hypocrite.
Me and my sister: *tired as f'uck cause we didnt get much sleep last night* *goes back to sleep after church service*
My mom: Get off your asses, you don't need to sleep all f'ucking day! Clean your goddamn rooms! *goes to f'ucking take a nap*
Moral of the damn story is my mom is a f'ucking hypocrite.
on April 05, 2020

My mom never cared about a f'ucking church service until after this damn Coronavirus. We never even went to a church service in the summer time. So why the f'uck now?
on April 05, 2020

Okay okay, singing Bon Jovi, Queen, or Journey you'll automatically win my heart. Jesus christ my heart cannot handle this amount of fangirling.
on April 05, 2020