Different year, different life. So much has happened!! Life means a lot more to me now. I understand better the world... I have a loving boyfriend the best friend any one could imagine and such an amazing life!!! I just have to thank God for all this joy and happiness of 2018!!! ?
on September 04, 2018

Oh yeah, and my ex boyfriend, Cesar, now thinks I'm dating him again!!! Yay...
on April 12, 2018

Oh my gosh, so much has happened... now I have to marry Cedric tomorrow like with rings and everything and plus I'm dating his older brother, Juan, and I told Juan I'd say I don't and have all the girls run with me to a tree away from them, with me sucking on my ring pop!! Idk what To do tho... All the girls mean the ring holder, the bridesmaids (20), and the maids of honor (2)... and me!!

We have weddings and play some football and mostly play around and have piggy backs! My school is crazy about boys!! I got a piggy back from my boyfriends beatbox friend once! My bf broke up with me... I dated his best friend though!!
on April 12, 2018

what the heck do you do at schoollllllllll
I pull kids around like horses and pretend to be D E A D and ply hide and go abusive dads
normals crap
I pull kids around like horses and pretend to be D E A D and ply hide and go abusive dads
normals crap
on April 12, 2018
on April 12, 2018

Today I told Cedric I couldn't date him bcuz I already have a bf... he said I was rude... and that girls are gold diggers... Yep, cuz that'll make me like him more... I'm dating Cade, I told him I love him and he said he loves me too!!! But, unfortunately, now I kinda like Kolby too... ? What do I do?

on April 12, 2018

Well, @blueberry , I guess... I feel really bad for it... I've liked Kolby some too... before Cade, not as much as Cade though? Why??? Any suggestions? What do you mean by that?
on March 19, 2018
on March 19, 2018

I just had to delete all of my photos of people that I don't have permission to have... including my kind of ex- boyfriend Cole English's picture that I had a long, cool, talk with someone on! They thought it was a celebrity they didn't know! LOL ? my school's going crazy about safety and no putting pics I don't have permission of... I could put it but I don't wanna get in trouble, plus, this is my school's device... ?
on March 19, 2018

Hey, what's up? I changed my parting? Two people asked me out Friday! Cade (obviously) and Cedric!!! Don't know if I said but I was dating Brock, Cade's twin! Friday morning, hey broke up with me... so, it's Cade if Cedric... idk who to choose! Cedric completely adores me but Cade... I've always wanted to eat him (and I have) but now, there's Cedric and I like him too! Don't say anything cheesy like," well, who do you like most?" Or, "Just go with the one you love!!!" Please... See More because I "love" (ish) them both... *sigh*
on March 19, 2018

I'd know about Ivan and KK but I told Ivan and Humberto I think Cesar's the cutest thing and I think they told him... well... and my theory was proved correct when Matthew G. Came up to me and said," Cesar's cheating on you!!!" Well, probably with Ashley, Matthew's gf (ex?) who cheats on him constantly. I got mad at him but on the inside I was crying! I yelled," I don't care, I don't like Cesar and we're NOT DATING!!!!" He said,"okay..." well, Cade loves me and this week is Dr.Suess See More week... #dresscrazy!!! Tom. Is wacky Wednesday and I can't wait! I'll probably post pictures but idk... ? ? I feel like crying... idk why. Well, it's bcuz my teachers don't like me, they fuss at ME! Not my bffs who are the ones talking TO ME!!! ? I would tell you what she said to me but... well, idk... ? I have made my YouTube channel but it might not show up yet! It's @crazytimewithMary! #ithink with spaces! #Idk why I keep #ing! LOL! Ttyl! Gtg, bbt (be back tommorrow), wyl (write you later) and GNOD(good night or day!!!) okay, bye!!!
on February 28, 2018

Kendra's dating Ainsley now. Kolby is really mean. He said no to Kk but... bad words... Martha came to my house today and my dad and I are working on my YouTube channel. We just have to edit one more thing and it will be published! Artha made Ivan ask out Kendra and I to be his Valentine's! He said her but if Martha didn't see her, me! I'm going to tell Kk the truth because I know she really likes him and I don't want to hurt Cesar's feelings again! Ivan and Kk at last! He wants See More her number too!
on February 14, 2018

1 day until my birthday! You wanna know what sounds cooler than one day? How about tomorrow's my birthday, or maybe tommorrow's Valentine's Day!!! I'll write about today later, it's 6:45 in the morning so... no drama yet. I don't really live with my school! (That would be awesome!!!!!!)write you later. Gtg(got to go) bbt(be back tommorrow) and wyl(write you later!!!) See ya!!!!!
on February 13, 2018

So, do you think he likes me? I hope! My birthday is Valentine's Day! I can't wait! 2 more days! Oh, btw, Cade said yes to an Oreo from me!!!!!! Ugghhhhhhhh, he's so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't like him anymore! But when he said yes, even thought Cesar, and his mini group, Ivan, and Humberto, were just laughing and actually being funny and kinda nice to us, they got mad and wouldn't talk to us. Well, Cesar was okayish but I knew on the inside he was hurt and... ugghhhh. I wish See More I had friends like Ivan and Humberto... but, Harleigh doesn't are about my feelings. She likes drama and Cade is drama... Kendra cares but... Cesar I said her cousin and she knows more about him them us.... my other bffs think he is not cute... EWWWWWWWW, who cares about looks when it's how they make you feel! I was going to say kindness but he's not kind... what do I do? Make my friends happy or... do what I want? You are probably saying," it's what you want!" Or maybe, "who do you like more?" But it's not that easy. I love my bffs but they are stubborn and will MAKE me do it... what do I do?
on February 13, 2018

Cesar hung out with me today and I took pictures and a video of him! He was being really funny and unbelievably annoying but I don't really care... he said," you must feel so embarresed right now!" I was like,"ummmm, why would I be?" He said," because your with her!" And pointed at Harleigh. I was LOLing to my death in my head but outside I was like," that's so mean"but I was grinning!

Yeah, a little but at least he's funny AND annoying, some people are just annoying! He's like that bcuz he tries to make me laugh but I've already heard all of his jokes when he tells them to his friends first and asks them if it's funny. Some ones ,like this one, I haven't heard before. Sometimes it's so he can just talk to me but most of the time it's so he See More can see me laugh! He does it for me...
on February 13, 2018
on February 13, 2018

Plus Jorge probably likes me bcuz he stole Ele, my stuffed elephant, and when Leela, my friend, went over to him to get it back, he said,"we're just playing with her! Setiously!" and threw it to me!
on February 10, 2018

Today was house competition and Kolby was FAST!!!! He hit Cesar so I started yelling,"hit him back!" And he did! It was a running competition and Cesar's and Kolby are both Amistad! I told my sister he was poisonous when I sat a long way away from him and my sister plopped down next to me, next to Cesar! LOL! My sister started trying to hug me and I told Cesar to poison her and he jokingly said," sorry, I don't poison little kids! Lol! I'm starting a YouTube channel soon! That's See More why Harleigh, Kendra, and Madalin came home with me. I'll tell you when I make it! It'll be cool! We tried spicy stuff!!!!!
on February 10, 2018

Please, after you look at all the cute pictures of everyone, look at my most recent posts. I mean like stories. Bcuz I really need help and advice from you guys and girls!
on February 03, 2018