No school today either. Now I really DO miss Cade and all the others. I'm so sad but my mom gets mad at me because I'm so sad that I don't feel like talking.
on November 29, 2017

My friend, Laura Razo told Cade I missed him and and he said she really to,d you to say that???!!!!! But she wouldn't tell me what she said back to him. I may go back to school tommorrow but that is what I said about today so I'm not sure. I am going to the 4-H speech awards ceremony today though. Even with pink-eye in both of my eyes!
on November 28, 2017

Okay... I told the friend (just not to break his little begging heart) to tell Cade that I missed him if I wasn't at school today. Which I'm not... So, he's going to think I actually care about him! And I don't have school today. Yay ?. Now, my pink eye is even worse I hope I get school tommorow! Do I can take it back and we can talk about how I'm not sure we are going to work out because we are so different! Then, I'll go to Kolby, .Cole,Cesar, or maybe I'll ask Cole who's the See More smartest in "the group" or "the huddle" he'll say him I bet and I'll go somebody actually smart? Because smart people know I only date people I love unless they say yes to Oreo. And smart people try not to let me break up they try to keep me, impress me, and they are okay with anything I want and do. So, anyone actually smart!
on November 28, 2017

I called my friends and heard Cade missed me today bcuz I wasn't at school. I told her I didn't miss him. I'm going back tommorrow! Maybe. It depends on my eye. I heard Cole asked if I was sick. I had to pivk up my sister and saw Cole, Brock, and Cade! I put my stuffed Chubbacca on my eyes then realized it was a toy and they would see me! So I turned cool like and put my head in my shoulder, turned and started talking to my mom REALLY cool conversation about when are we leaving???!?!!!???!!!??? See More So, yeah.
on November 28, 2017

You know the downtown Erwin Christmas parade? Well if you don't that's okay! I went there. My eye was hurting a lot. I saw Cesar Martinez. (my ex boyfriend I talked about in one of my posts below) I was feeling bad so I didn't get all into getting and picking up candy. I had my little sister do that. My mom couldn't take a picture of me because my eye was being weak and couldn't look at the sun. Cesar threw candy at me. Like not to me, AT me! My eye couldn't keep focus and I couldn't See More see where it was. I started turning in circles. Cesar leaned his head back and did a HUGE guffawing laugh. Now I think I may like him. There was also a karate part of the parade. Audie David Brown, the boy I was obsessed with in pre-school - 3rd grade, did a robotic wave when I waved at him because my dad said to wave at all people walking, and on floats. I had to wave at the people in band. It's not like they will stop banging their drum and wave or the trumpeters to stop playing trumpet and go, MERRY CHRISTMAS and throw candy or something. My favorite part is the funny shirtless guy who does a funny dance. My least favorite part is that one year I saw Ellie Shelton (my ex bff. Read about her below) and had to hug her. That year we said a awkward hello and left each others space. I miss her and I want to break up with Cesar. All the stuff about the eye means I have pink eye... I may not go to school on Monday to see Cesar and Cade. I have a five dollar bill from when I sat beside him at the wonder movie. I just miss Ellie. If you know her don't tell her I call her my ex bff because I still want us to have a chance like me and Cesar. (dating mostly ALL last year!) My eye look horrible with pink eye.

Sorry about up there where it says break up withCesar. I meant Cade. I have to have medicine for my pinkeye and my mom just yelled at me to put it in and I said well, it's hard when people are watching and I muttered, ececially you! She yelled at me and slammed my door so my glass stuff fell! I put it in myself but now I can't leave the room or she will be out See More there waiting to go, it's not my fault if you go blind not taking the medicine and I'll say okay and she'll say go put in your eye drops NOW and I'll say I already did and she'll say showme , I didn't see you do it! And we will yell more at each Other! Yay my not-crazy, Mom- meany life! I wish my dad was here!
on November 27, 2017
on November 26, 2017

I didn't break up with him. But while I was going to chorus Cole went Mary Mary Come Here Come Here!!! And started pointing at (the back of) Cade. I kept walking to chorus because you're not allowed to miss it. We went on a field trip to see wonder and I saw Ellie Shelton. If you want to know who it is I don't want to talk about it... On the bus I started crying because Ellie didn't even recognize me when we used to be like sisters. I'll tell you one thing only about her (other See More than what's in here) she moved and now she changes. She's in "the group" that's the code name for her and her evil group of friends who changed her and took her away from me. Before she moved she said, " I'll see you in middle school!" I said, "I can't wait. I miss you already." But now she'll see I'm not "cool" like her and her friends and she'll be ashamed of ever EVER being my friend! I miss her... She's the only thing I thought about at my sleepover with the girl from preschool who was also best friends with Ellie. Her name is Laura Luna-Razo. She says Ellie didn't even say hi to her! I said a forced hi to her when she sat right beside me to talk to her friends that go to my school in a group picture of our two schools at the wonder movie. I know that's more than one thing but I miss her. If you know Ellie Shelton tell her I, Mary Pendleton miss her badly. Tell her I'm sorry for not being cool or in "the group" But tell her I'm happy being a misfit, I'm happy being weird and crazy, but I'm not happy not being her friend. Tell her I'll see her next year when she'll realize that she's cool and I'm not. Tell her that preschool was the best year of my life because of HER nand all the others that I remember going with. And don't forget to tell her I ended up dating Audie David Brown but I realized he was NOT for me and left him for Cesar (a new kid she doesn't know because she left me alone), Cole, for Cade, for Connor, well for a LOT of people. Tell her at heart she'll always be the little girl I went to preschool with and had so much fun with. At heart she'll always be my best friend even if she makes me cry without knowing. Tell her she never did anything but that's the reason I cry the reason I know she doesn't understand me, the reason I miss her so bad. Tell her Mary Pendleton says she misses us as kids. I'm still like a kid! I'm not cool, I don't say bad words, I have too many friends for my own good! But I know if she's still that same little girl on the inside she would be for my good...

Okay I'll try. Thanks! But she goes to a whole different school. How will I catch her without friends? Mine and hers? I'm only "friends" with cool kids until we hand out a lot then they find out I'm a nerdy dorkface that doesn't know anything! The only reason I'm friends with Ava English is because we don't hang out a bunch.
on November 24, 2017

Heck that happens alot, try to catch her without her friends and find out wats up coz u guys can still be friends even if she's a cool kid
on November 23, 2017
on November 23, 2017
on November 23, 2017
on November 23, 2017

on November 21, 2017

Okay, I'm dating Cade, Cole's best friend in "the group" Now Cole talks for Cade and I think he likes me again because I talk to him now! I think it's his plan to get me back! That's why I'm gonna break up with Cade. I'm listening to radio and it said Kohl's. So now Cole is talking to me CONSTANTLY and is acting like he's my BFF!!!! My mom says I'm not working good because of Harleigh and I got a B honor roll not an A becaus of her and I'm like sure whatever totally not because See More THE ONLY THING I TALK ABOUT IS BOYS. Totally not that nope not at all!!!!!! ???????????????????????????????????????????☹️???????????????????? Okay so should I break up with Cade? He didn't do anything wrong and I'm sorta mean to him! He went knock knock, I went STOP ANNOYING ME!! And rolled my eyes. He went come on it's funny! I went FINE, he went knock knock I went who's there? He went Mary (I rolled my eyes) I went Mary who? He went marry me!!! I laughed a LOT!!!! (Out of annoyance and weirdness) He went why don't you talk to me? I went I will (after I rolled my eyes of course) he went no you won't!!! I went I will watch me! And went this is my bff Kendra Cantrell! She had crumbs on her face. (This time he rolled his eyes) I don't really have a reason to break up other than B honor roll and it might be a scheme to get me with Cole again. (I'd LIKE TO THROW SOME NACHOS ON HIM WITH CHEESE AND SAUCE FROM A LUNCHABLE LIKE HARLEIGH DID WHEN CADE'S TWIN BROCK STARTED GIVING HER FOOD FROM OTHER PEOPLE. HE CAME OVER AND WENT TAKE IT! E PUT IT OVER HER SMALL HEAD(she's tiny) AN RAN AWAY. SOMEBODY ELSE STOLE IT FORM HER!!! CADE WANTED ME TO BRING FOOD TO HER AND I ROLLED MY EYES AND SAID NO!!! So should I break up or not? I need to know NOW! (Sorry Cade makes me talk caps!

I don't think you should. Not because of a scheme from Cole that don't know is true or not.
on November 21, 2017
on November 21, 2017

I'm going to school! What should I do there?
on November 15, 2017
on November 15, 2017

on November 14, 2017

So I give this to Cole? Roses are red violets are blue faces like yours belong in a zoo don't you worry I'll be there too not in adage but laughing at you! That's what my (other) bff Maddy (Madalin) said for me to do. Should I?
on November 14, 2017

So, should I go after him or wait or forget about him, or try hard to flirt, or ignore him, or WHAT SHOULD I DO?????!???

Okay I'll try but my dad told me to say sorry to him for not sittting beside him because I forgot so I kind of have to talk to him and sit beside him as long as he wants me to... ?
on November 14, 2017
on November 14, 2017
on November 14, 2017

He's the worst ex boyfriend ever! He looks at me follows me and all my friends like his best friend Bodie! So pretty much I'm around him a LOT! He sends them messages from Bodie like, "tell Destany Bodie lost an Oreo!" But to get my attention he goes MARY MARY MARY, not mary mary mary, not harleigh harleigh harleigh, not Harleigh Harliegh Harliegh, but NARY MARY MARY!!! FYI Destany said yes to the Oreo from Bodie! And Bodie said yes to an Oreo from Harleigh so now Bodie's cheating See More on both of them (Oreo form) And people say Cole likes me and people say Cole likes Haylie Tipton and I don't know WHAT TO DO!?!!?

on November 14, 2017

Howevenoldareyou?? Like, this sounds really dramatic. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to help but, this situation seems, unnecessary. Just,
on November 14, 2017
If he doesn't make a move, just screw that b0i.
Nobody needs a little sh/\t bag like him ruining their day.
Nobody needs a little sh/\t bag like him ruining their day.
on November 14, 2017
on November 14, 2017

He's not coming over. 4-H was today. I'm secretary! I keep everything down in a journal. Cole is also secretary in his class in 4th grade. He kept staring at me so I didn't smile the whole time. He drove right past my car!! THAT WAS SO WIERD!!
on November 13, 2017