Sorry it's been so long. A few days ago, I was dating 5 boys, then I broke up with two and came in the next morning and Harleigh just said Ainsley broke up with me... he knows I was cheating on him. Then I broke up with academic again, and lost an Oreo to him.. ? He said yes... Cole asked if I was ever going to go out with Cade and I said no. But now, I really want to say yes bcuz I just want to go out with someone... Cesar is no help. We broke up and are back together. He wasn't See More at school yesterday and got sick in the middle of school, two days ago. Bodie hasn't been here either. But... still drama. ? I want a boy i know will stay with me and not make me not like them enough todate 4 other boys... one I can trust! There was no school today. But I think my other bff, Kendra (Kk) should date Kolby Jones, Cole,Bodie,Cade,Brock,and Jace Garland's best friend! They are perfect but he is playing hard to get. I wish I could have another sleepover with Madalin this weekend. But, I'm busy. Two more weekends is my birthday party ? Can you guess my birthday? It's a really special day! Anyway, I'm inviting the whole grade and some Fourth Graders! No boys!!!!! But I'm going to tell Kolby if he'll date Kk, I will date Cade and sit with him and talk you him! Maybe I'll invite him to my birthday party! If Kolby Jones will date Kendra Cantrell! There was no school today but I really wanna go on my first actual date with... someone! I know that he didn't really want to go on a DATE but I will make him, that's the only way I can tell my parents!

Okay, I'm just rereading this and it says academic? I think I meant Cade...
on March 19, 2018

Ok. But what about Cesar? I really like him and might even like Jorge... this is terrible! The only reason I'm actually knowing what to do and not stand on my desk, do the worm and the chicken dance at the same time, then say,"everyone will you join me?" And then be suspended for life! Today is house competition day. Our school has "houses" teams that you work See More with and get points for kindness and smartness. I'm in Altruismo so is the fourth grader Cade! Jorge's in Nukumori with my best friend that he teases and EVERYONE even his best friend say he likes! Ugh but now his best friend says Jorge likes me too. I know he's just lying to see my response but... Cesar is in Amistad the house of love and friendship. My house is for giving. My best friend Kendra and Cesar's other best friend Ivan are both in Reveur. Kendra, Harleigh,Madalin, and I are all coming home to my house to make a YouTube video. One day I will include Cesar in one, if he says yes... I hope he does!!!!! I'll put more stuff later. opinion?
on February 09, 2018

Well, today I asked cesar out with an Oreo and he said maybe after I said maybe to him (and his best friend to make him jealous and annoy his best friend and my best friend because, Cesar's best friend likes mine but hates me! My best friend likes him! And my best friend is Cesar's cousin! So it's perfect! Jorge might like me and I might like him! He's teasingly See More me a lot more than usual. In a, I will steal your favorite stuffed animal so you will chase me and touch me, sort of way! And at the end of lunch, Cesar said no to me?! And the fourth graders sat so far away from their regular seats (right beside us!) so, I think I'm through with them! Who should I go with now?
on February 09, 2018

Well, I wrote that in an earlier comment. You should look at that!
on February 08, 2018

Yeah @blueberry, you guessed it! Valentine's Day! Yay!!!! Now, who should I ask out? We had a dance party for the second anniversary of my friend who got in a fire coming back to school! It's always a dance! None of the year younger kids were invited. The fourth graders! But, last year I played tag and ran around with Cesar. It was also the first time he tickled See More me. And the last... and I might like Jorge!? I don't know! Can you help me? And since you guessed the right day, out of what you know of them, who should I go out with? I'll tell you what they say! And now, a friend went to Cade Andy asked him out for me. Even though I didn't want to go out with him. But they started squealing and screaming,"MARY, MARY, MARY WANTS TO GO OUT WITH CADE?" And we all nodded. But me... I would break up with him but he thinks I like him now and I don't want to hurt his feelings! What do I do?
on February 08, 2018
on February 03, 2018

HI!!! Last night was ANOTHER sleepover with Madalin, we stayed up until 3:00! My sign is Aquarius and I'm doing a lot of research. It totally describes me!

on February 03, 2018

And Wednesday was back to school, I tried avoiding Cesar but he came to me and said," sorry I forgot your present." (Really sad like) and gave me an EX Pokémon card. IDK what to do, I guess we're still dating?
on January 07, 2018
on January 07, 2018

I don't think I can sleep tonight! We stayed up until 1:00. She's gone and I MISS her! I probably won't go to sleep until 3:00 tonight. Wait! I don't want to jinx myself! So, I'm going to try to go to bed early! Like 10:00!
on December 23, 2017

I was dating Cesar and he wanted a kiss, I wanted a ring. He said he would give it to me on Tuesday. And wanted the kiss on Tuesday too. He didn't give me the ring and said he didn't want the kiss. I told him I didn't like him. He said, "oh..." so, we are dating but barely! My best friend Madalin is staying the night. I'll post a picture!
on December 22, 2017

Two hour delay tommorrow. I feel mostly better. I hope there is actually school.
on December 12, 2017

I saw nobody I knew at the party. I saw my ex at the Mexican resteraunt, Azteca. He had glasses on. It's snowing!! So, no school today. I slept until 10:30 because I have a temperature of 100.2. My legs hurt and it's hard to move. I hope your day is better than mine. Probably no school tommorrow because it's snowing a lot and even if there I should school not for me. I made an interview for Cade. It will help me actually know things about him. Right now I know he's a twin,a 4th See More grader, and he's kind of cute.
on December 11, 2017

School was out early. No competitions but the girl party happened and my bffs tried to do my makeup. I looked horrible. 4 different girls... then at lunch I think the makeup messed up my brain because, well, let's start at the beginning: I let an Oreo to Cade. He said yes. I asked if he would break up (because I'm not allowed to but sometimes I do it anyway) he said, no I'm fine. I almost screamed at him. I was far away because I couldn't let anybody see my makeup. He said you See More can sit with me I feel you want. I screamed NO and since I was mad I said I break up with you!!! He said ok. I lost another Oreo to him and (after I screamed at Harleigh some.) asked him out again. He said I don't know. I knew that meant a probably no and (here comes the weird part) I said please say yes. He said yes and now we are dating again... weird story right? That happened yesterday. Today is my dad's work party (nuclear fuel services) and me, my mom, and my sister are allowed. A lot of my friend's parents work there so I may see them. I'm in a dress. I'm going to ask Santa for some cool stuff. I kind of believe in him. We are allowed presents until 12 or something. I'm 10 almost 11. But that means two more years because my birthday is after Christmas, Valentines Day. I always get the good stuff! Lots of cards and presents too! I can't wait for Christmas and Valentines Day!! It'll be amazing. School might be out in Monday. I'm out for now. May talk more after the party and movie. Bye!!

on December 09, 2017

And I don't mean good stuff for bragging or Christmas, I mean for Valentine's Day because it's my birthday!! ? ?
on December 09, 2017

Instead of I feel it is if. Instead of let it I said lost . By anybody I mean 4th graders.
on December 09, 2017
on December 09, 2017

Today's school. If you have read all my posts respond under this post ideas of what I should do. Today is house conpetitions (we are in teams we call houses) and me and Cade are on the same team. :( advice?
on December 08, 2017

Okay, Humberto told Cesar what they said and Cesar said Noooooo I don't!!!! In a real tone. Cole saw me and said, "Cade wants to ask you out!" Cade went,"SHUT UPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!" I shook my head and said no. I hate Cade and Cole.
on December 07, 2017

Today, I sat at my ex boyfriend Cesar Martinez's table. I think I may still like him. I sat there to get away from Cade. I was sitting next to him but his best friend pushed me out of the seat. We were stuck in the same seat with his best friend pushing me so I asked some dude to move and he did. His best friend says Cesar still likes me!!!! ?
on December 07, 2017

We played games today in P.E.! We did Astroids and Anklebiters and Fly-ball. Jorge congratulated me! No Cade today! Lunch in the room! (Lucky me!) but tommorow I won't be so lucky. I'm mad at my sister. That's all for now! A LOT TOMMORROW BECAUSE TOMMORROW IS FOURTH GRADE AT LUNCH... :((((( ?????????
on December 06, 2017

At lunch Cole and Bodie asked if I was dating Cade and I did an eye roll and then a VERY stiff shrug. They laughed. Then, I just broke up with Cade. Cade started crying or fake crying (I wouldn't know because I wasn't beside him.) Then, I lost an Oreo to him. He said yes (or so says Cole the liar face). Then, I lost an Oreo to his twin Brock. Cole says he says yes but Brock and Cade's cousin Gage, says Brock doesn't like me... Then, Harleigh lost one to Bodie, Brock,and Cade. See More NO, yes, no. (These are again Cole's responses) so, I may be cheating on Brock and he may be cheating on me! (Oreo form both ways!) I may Ben about to die because I want to be over with Cade and then, (I may have because of Cole) I'm dating both twins! I just want to date Cesar. Or Jorge. At school, I was the biggest and he was the smallest but I got them wrong and said Harliegh was smallest of them and then I found out Jorge was and poked him. I went, "you're the SMALLEST!!" And he went, "yeah, so?" That means I'm biggest he's smallest! We are PERFECT! JK. He hates me and I want to date Cesar but...twins. ???☹️??

Oh yeah about biggest and smallest (that sounded dumb!) I mean planets! He was Mercury and I was Jupiter!
on December 05, 2017
on December 05, 2017

Okay, I had pink eye for all the week and finally went back on Friday. My blood vane popped! I sat far away from Cade because I was embarresed about it. Bodie came and asked if I was gonna sit beside Cade and I said, NO! Then, I moved closer because two of my bffs were over there. Cade said he didn't like me anymore because I never talked to him or sat with him (through Destany and Harleigh) in my mind I was like, I haven't been here all week, yeah I haven't sat with you! But See More I really said, (through the girls) I would if my eye wasn't like this!!! He said (you know how from now on) Oh. I said, it's too late to change your mind now! He did this funny thing! He went, okay and waved hi sorry hand funny. We started mocking him and I told Destany they could be triplets (Cade Brock and her) Cade said I can hear you know!!!!!!!! I said, I kind of hate you now! He went okay. I started laughing. I'm supposed to be out shopping with my mamaw and papaw but my sister got sick and we went home. I feel like a chunk is missing from my heart without Cade. I feel... different. I just need some help and advice. Cade and I didn't really break up but I know we're over. Any help or advice?
on December 03, 2017