I am sooooo angry!!! >=( even though it might have been a while ago I am soooo mad at the wanna be Victoria Justice that said...those things to u guys!!! Ok, this may sound kinda stupid but I started crying wut u call "angry tears" at wut she said to u guys!!! >:'(

Well, the person Victoria Justice is a real person but the person on here IS NOT REAL SO GET OVER IT!!!
on April 13, 2013

on April 13, 2013

Victoria Justice is real
on April 12, 2013

I know, it's sad...:/
on April 12, 2013

=D yea shes fake and a total jrk!!! wow. ive been running into alot of haters lately....:/
on April 12, 2013
on April 11, 2013

I'm thinking about changing my profile pic to either of these new photos.
on April 11, 2013

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

R u meant 2 lead or follow?
on April 11, 2013

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

Which Docotor Who Character are you?
on April 11, 2013

Hey Icecat!!! You need to see my friends clay creepypastas!! We're close friends at school so he gave them to me and I made a story to show qfeast!! HIS NAMES BING!!
on April 11, 2013

Idiot_Killjoy added a story to the favorite list

Creepypasta Poem of detail and death
on April 09, 2013

Kisser says hi!!! Kisser say hi!! Ok hes grumpy and is huffing and hissing and climbing all over my room so maybe he"ok say hi later!! =] p.s. LOVE DA SMILEY BOOK!!!

THANKS!!! :) Hi KISSER!!! X) I am glad you like my smiley book!! THANK YOU BOTH FOR SAYING HI!! :)
on April 11, 2013
on April 09, 2013

Beautz...your following MariaJohnson...O_O
on April 09, 2013

on April 09, 2013

I cant read my notifications guys. ='(
on April 08, 2013

on April 07, 2013

Quick!!! Jnfollow MariahJohnson!!!!!! She is hating on Beautz,XXxSilentHopexxX etc. Holurry and unfolliw her!!!

she is really mean but she hasnt talked to me.
i am following her to see what she is up to on this site.
i am following her to see what she is up to on this site.
on April 10, 2013
on April 07, 2013

ICECAT!!! Guess what!! Check out ma Smiley Book, chapter 4!!! =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P =] =P
on April 06, 2013