Which Docotor Who Character are you? Find out which character you are! Easy and simple just fill it out and get a simple answer with some description! Katteg published on February 24, 2012 Stacked 1/7 If someone ask you to take a ride in a TARDIS what would you say? Yes! I am the one asking! No thanks! I already have one! No thanks, i have other things to do. Maybe. 2/7 Which would you chose? Sonic Screwdriver Lazer gun The Doctor Everything. TARDIS 3/7 A weeping angel is after you. You.... Run! Talk to it. Sonic it. Stare at it. Run! What else would you do? 4/7 Whats Your Favorite Color? Blue Black Red Grey Silver 5/7 Would you describe yourself as.... Fun and Adventuress! I love to go places and do new things! Sweet and a follower! i am kind to others and will do what i am told... normally. Ready and Strong! I am ready for anything and strong for everyone. Fun and Mysteries! I am very fun and outgoing and also a bit Mysteries! Loving and Crazy! I love everyone and i am friendly and outgoingly crazy! 6/7 Which one is your favorite character? Donna Noble! Amy Pond! Rory! The Doctor! River Song! 7/7 What do you think of the Doctor? He's okay. He's Awesome! He's me! >:( The best ever! He's Lovely.