Is Huskies for you?

Is Huskies for you?

Looking for an awesome HUSKY for a pet? Do you think you're right for a husky? Well, you can't tell yourself that, you have to take this quiz! LOL ~ Enjoy! ~ P.S. I'm sorry if you get a result you don't like! P.P.S. This is to all my husky-lovers friends out there! :)

published on March 01, 2013

How often will you brush your husky?

How often will you brush your husky?
Twice a week, you just have to!
I'm not exactly sure, but I'll HAVE to do it! I don't want my husky getting dirty or anything!
Once a week, I think that will keep it clean.
I'm only going to bathe my husky. I don't have time for brushing...

If you have a yard where your husky can play...

If you have a yard where your husky can play...  IS IT SAFE? WILL THE HUSKY BE ABLE TO ESCAPE??
Yeah it's as safe as anything! I wouldn't want my poor darling to escape!
I guess... it isn't the safest place in the world but my husky wouldn't be able to escape easily. :/
Sorry... I don't have a yard.
It's not so safe at the moment but I'll do anything to get it more safe! :-)

Where will you let your husky live?

Where will you let your husky live?
Outside.. in a little doggy house!
Uhhh... whatever I have. :-)
A little doggy house with a blanket- I wouldn't want my husky getting cold!
Outside! They were born in cold, so they could live in cold!!
In the house!

Another simple question;
Are adventorous, energetic, you get along with others, you can be smart but sometimes bored if you don't get attention and you are loveable!

Another simple question; Are adventorous, energetic, you get along with others, you can be smart but sometimes bored if you don't get attention and you are loveable!
Do you know me? Because that's SOO me!
50%, 50%
Not at all!
Most of them!

If you get a Husky, would you walk it daily?

If you get a Husky, would you walk it daily?
I'll do my best! (Me: I know me too!)
Maybe, I'll have to fit it in my busy schedule.. I'll still do it!
I don't really think so... Do you think huskies are indoor-dogs? (Me: Hmmm...)
I want to- I just have to work it out.. I might not 'daily'...
I guess.

How often would you feed your husky?

How often would you feed your husky?
Ummm... I can't really because I'm at school...
2 times a day... they don't have to be fed like crazy...
As much as it needs.. but I may not be able to fulfil those needs.
Early morning, Early afternoon and evening. 3 times a day.
3 times. I'm at school during the day so I'll figure something out. :-)

This falls into the 'Training' category but it's still a question...

When your friends visit, would you make sure that your husky is friendly towards them and doesn't bark at them? (I know huskies howl more.. but still!)

This falls into the 'Training' category but it's still a question...  When your friends visit, would you make sure that your husky is friendly towards them and doesn't bark at them? (I know huskies howl more.. but still!)
Yes! But I mean, if it's my husky, he/she will be taught some manners!
Nah... if it's unfriendly towards my friends, I'll just slap it!
I'll try...Maybe...

During the day, where will you let your husky play?

During the day, where will you let your husky play?
Um... I can't let my husky run around when I'm not there! I'll keep it chained up!
I have a small back-yard but I don't know if my mum will like the idea.
Uhhh... I'll think about it!
I have a little playground installed for my husky!
In a small area- like, at the back of my house, surrounded by eletric fence.
In my yard! Then my husky can be FREE! :-)

Simple question so there is only gonna be 3 answers...
Will you play with your husky?

Simple question so there is only gonna be 3 answers... Will you play with your husky?
I'm too busy...

Let's say you realise that your husky is sick.
What's your first reaction?

Let's say you realise that your husky is sick.  What's your first reaction?
Oh, you poor darling! We'll have to get you to the vet as soon as possible! D:
I'll take you to the vet tomorrow, lil doggy.
Ugh, live with it. I don't have time!
I'll get you to the vet as quick as possible! I don't know when but I HAVE to do it!

Now it gets a bit more serious, how often will you bathe your husky??

Now it gets a bit more serious, how often will you bathe your husky??
Bathing? I thought brushing was all they needed!
Only when the dog has fleas...
Well, they have to be bathed, And I'll do it as soon as I google it!
Well, at least once a month or once every two months, but you know, it isn't necessary a lot.. only if your husky gets REAL muddy.

Would you train your husky?
* Remember, training is always hard. You need patience! *

Would you train your husky? * Remember, training is always hard. You need patience! *
I guess I would, maybe some basics, but I'm not exactly a training person.
Yep! I'll teach my husky to sit, roll over, fetch, Oh I can just think of all the possibilities!
I don't think so... I mean, training dogs is hard.
I'll have to! My pup has to be happy at all times!
I'll try... but I don't really think so.
Yeh.. I'll see... IF I get one.

Now... this is a personal question and really simple.. so only 3 answers is going to be availible here.

How do you feel about huskies?

Now... this is a personal question and really simple.. so only 3 answers is going to be availible here.  How do you feel about huskies?
I like them!
Oh, this quiz is about huskies? Don't really like them at all...