
thanks!!! i think you would make great 1s too!!
on May 01, 2013

yw:D great quizes :D
on May 01, 2013

hi!! thnx 4 taking my quizes!!!
on April 27, 2013

Hey! :)
on April 27, 2013
on April 27, 2013

Hey, Icecat. :3 I added a new chapter to the Creepypasta Conversation Show. :P ENJOY!!
(P.s new C.Pastas. Pinkamena and Lost Silver)
(P.s new C.Pastas. Pinkamena and Lost Silver)
on April 26, 2013

Ice haw is D.C.

on May 01, 2013

Hi. Ugh!! The worst thing happened on one of the flights!!! I got stuck in between a snoring lady and another lady who was acting like a total princess and like, hogging most of the space!!! But otherwuise the flight was ok!! ;)
on April 29, 2013
on April 23, 2013

on April 22, 2013

Woo hi guys!!! I'm in Washington D.C!! WOOOOHOOOO!!!

I AM having fun!!!!! He he I git a purple leopard print sweater that says Washington DC on it and my friend Jocelyn got one just like it but it is pink!!!
on April 25, 2013
on April 22, 2013

Idiot_Killjoy added a story to the favorite list

Help Stop Bullying Today! Spread the Story!
on April 20, 2013

You go guys!!!! Stop bullying!!!! =]

Yeah at my school there has been A LOT of bullying. My friends and I plan on making some sort of Stop Bullying group!!! =]
on April 20, 2013
on April 20, 2013

Hey Zoe!! Where you been aint heard from u in a while! Miss you and lexi both! =)

Yeah me too!! Right now its like 1100 and I'm sooooo excited because we r leaving for Washington D.C tommorrow!! And to keep myself eterrained I'm downloading as many Rihanna songs on my kindle as possible!! XD I can listen to them too while they r downloading so I'm listening to California King Bed right now!! XD
on April 21, 2013

Yeea shes doing better all ready!! She once fought a fox when she as a kitten so she got over it pretty fast!! =P. She is so funny to. Or, smart I should say. When I tell her to come she comes and we go for walks together. =P
on April 20, 2013
on April 19, 2013

Hi guys, to prove MariaJohnson photo is fake, I shall upload it. But than again you can do that on here so look up Ashley Zukerman and you'll find it. Stupid Maria.
on April 19, 2013

Hi! I haven't heard from u in a while! I miss you!

same here!!!! i miss u!!!! OH OH!!!!! im going to Washington D.C for spring break with some friends and its gonna be AWESOME!!!!!!
on April 19, 2013
on April 19, 2013

Idiot_Killjoy added a story to the favorite list

May The Odds Ever Be In Your Favor!
on April 18, 2013

hi Lexi i just had the weirdest clever bot conversation of my life!!!ill write it below.
Me:tell me a story
Me: ill slap you!!!
Bot: ill eat your hand. See More
Bot: Lol
Me" what is your favorite video game? mines Minecraft.
Bot: Runes of Magic'
Me: whats your favorite video game? mines Minecraft.
Bot: I do not have a favourite video game.
Me: but you just said.....
Cleverbot. Suddenly not so clever. =P
Me:tell me a story
Me: ill slap you!!!
Bot: ill eat your hand. See More
Bot: Lol
Me" what is your favorite video game? mines Minecraft.
Bot: Runes of Magic'
Me: whats your favorite video game? mines Minecraft.
Bot: I do not have a favourite video game.
Me: but you just said.....
Cleverbot. Suddenly not so clever. =P

Lol!! *giggling* That so funny because it so true. Cleverbot's my dumbest friend thet can't recall what we said five seconds ago.. :D
on April 18, 2013
on April 18, 2013

Hey, made chapter 13 of chucky the pony doll! read it?
on April 18, 2013

Hey Icecat!! :D You should check out the Creepypasta Conversation Show which is a story/show thing made by me on Qfeast!! Today everyone and anyone can ask to be volunteers in the show and say some Truths and/or dares for the creepypasta (s) they would like. :) Here are some rules.
1) You can say anything you want to them or about them in the comments.
2) To be in the show you must at least read the first chapter labeled 'RULES'.
3) You must comment your truth/dare (s).
4) See More HAVE FUN!! :D
1) You can say anything you want to them or about them in the comments.
2) To be in the show you must at least read the first chapter labeled 'RULES'.
3) You must comment your truth/dare (s).
4) See More HAVE FUN!! :D
on April 17, 2013

Hey bub WHAT x( caps is up
on April 16, 2013