I am leaving Qfeast. I had a fun time here, but the show's got to move on elsewhere. Have a fun time without me
on November 17, 2020

If anyone wants to roleplay warrior cats, please reply to this comment and we'll start a conversation with me :)
on January 07, 2020

Sorry that I've been so inactive - I nearly forgot this site existed
on December 28, 2019

Petalcatcher walked along the Thunderpath, his dark brown pelt clinging to his fur as water dripped from his muzzle. He shivered a bit and stared as a monster rumbled past him, obliviously.
(comment on this if you wish to roleplay with me - I do not accept Mary Sue characters!)
(comment on this if you wish to roleplay with me - I do not accept Mary Sue characters!)
on October 16, 2019

Why be a star when you can be the Northern Lights?
on October 16, 2019

CoconutCatandCo added a new chapter to Warriors: Changing Times (Work-In-Progress)
Chapter 1: New Dawn
As the faint light of a new dawn began rising on the horizon, small movement came from within the BirchClan camp as an ash-colored cat, their eyes the color of freshly grown moss crept out from a gloomy den and gave its left ear a scratch. They comforted their back with 3 gentle licks before ruffling their fur, the grass soggy beneath their paws from last night's storm. Glancing around the clearing, their haunches quivered with unease and they gave their back a few more licks before stalk...
Read Full Chapter
on October 16, 2019

I just wanted to let everybody know that no matter what image you see I post, most of them I DO NOT OWN - including some in my stories
on June 17, 2019

When I was in middle school I got into my very first fist fight. Comment down below if you're interested in hearing the full story.
on June 13, 2019

Sorry I haven't been as active as usual. Lost my old job and currently trying to make sense of the world. I've been trying to find myself a new job while keeping my sanity in check. Wish me luck guys. :((
on May 29, 2019

CoconutCatandCo added a new chapter to The Last Dragon (Work-In-Progress!)

Chapter One: The Dinner
After working many hours during the day, Serafina eventually finished working. Her brown hair was all wet with the sweat she had produced while working under Flora's careful watch. Serafina looked at her hands with pain in her features - her hands felt like they were on fire and her back ached with every movement she made. Flora looked like she wanted to say something to her but the older woman seemed almost reluctant to speak. "Serafina, there is good news that I hope you are prepare...
Read Full Chapter
on September 13, 2018

When I was in 7th grade, I had a History teacher who was male and not very out-spoken, but he taught well and so I gave his personality a wide birth. That was, until, he showed his true nature. One day, we have a week long assignment to finish with the deadline being next week. We had to make a poster about the hierarchy of ancient Egyptians. So I did so, and drew a pyramid and put pharoah on top. Since I finished it a bit early, I decided to color in the pyramid with all 6 colors See More of the rainbow.
I turned it in on time, all facts I got correct, but for some reason I got an F on the assignment. I asked my teacher why I got the F, and he responded with: "You colored the pyramid in with rainbow colors, the real pyramids aren't rainbow-colored. Your text was also very curvy and not straight". Now, normally, if this was a big project, yes, appearance would be everything. However, the facts mattered more than appearance on that assignment. Also, I have and still do have issues writing in a straight line on non-gridded paper.
Since that assignment, I have had to use rulers whenever poster paper was involved because of how ashamed I was. I cried in the hallway outside the room afterclass.
I hated his guts after that.
It is one thing to grade a project wrongfully, but it is another thing to shut a kid down because of their creativity. If anything, teachers should admire a student's creative mind, because creative minds help make the world better.
I turned it in on time, all facts I got correct, but for some reason I got an F on the assignment. I asked my teacher why I got the F, and he responded with: "You colored the pyramid in with rainbow colors, the real pyramids aren't rainbow-colored. Your text was also very curvy and not straight". Now, normally, if this was a big project, yes, appearance would be everything. However, the facts mattered more than appearance on that assignment. Also, I have and still do have issues writing in a straight line on non-gridded paper.
Since that assignment, I have had to use rulers whenever poster paper was involved because of how ashamed I was. I cried in the hallway outside the room afterclass.
I hated his guts after that.
It is one thing to grade a project wrongfully, but it is another thing to shut a kid down because of their creativity. If anything, teachers should admire a student's creative mind, because creative minds help make the world better.
on May 28, 2019

So apparently my house is haunted - on my phone if I go to record a video there will be spirit orbs flying around - LOTS OF THEM
on March 18, 2019