on March 14, 2019

This may be a gross thing to talk about, but I'm going to share it anyways.
When I was in high school, I had to take behavioral medication due to my many mental disorders and while walking towards the nurse's office half-way through lunch because I couldn't take it on an empty stomach, I notice something clear on the floor near the nurse's office. I looked, and it was a USED, OPENED CONDOM! I didn't want to go anywhere near it, so I snuck clear around it and alerted the nurse See More of it.
When I was in high school, I had to take behavioral medication due to my many mental disorders and while walking towards the nurse's office half-way through lunch because I couldn't take it on an empty stomach, I notice something clear on the floor near the nurse's office. I looked, and it was a USED, OPENED CONDOM! I didn't want to go anywhere near it, so I snuck clear around it and alerted the nurse See More of it.

Jokes on you we store the mics for theater in condoms and will occasionally find them lying around in theater and have no clue where to put them.
on March 14, 2019
on March 14, 2019
on March 14, 2019

I'm currently sicker than a dog, the weather's gotten to me. Hopefully I get over it soon - but my nose is running like a faucet. :((
on February 15, 2019

I didn't much like the class the History of Agriculture because at the time I didn't like plants and I didn't like farm animals - I still dislike the smell of cow manure. :(
on February 15, 2019

One time in high school, I accidentally spaced out while reading a book in my Agriculture class and missed the cue on my project presentation. They had to physically touch my shoulder in order to get my attention. I felt so embarrassed I felt like I wanted to skip reading over the poster me and my team-members made together.

One time when I was in science, my teacher was talking and I was picking at a scab on my stomach and I zoned out and the teacher called my name and I was embarrassed cause almost everyone in my class looked at me. And the teacher said “Is there anything you like to show the class, Dakota” and I was embarrassed and I’m not doing that again
on May 20, 2019
on January 28, 2019

I once (in middle school) was throwing paper airplanes with my cousin before the teacher came back and one of the ones he threw hit me in the eye. Luckily, I was alright, but damn it hurt.
on November 19, 2018

on November 04, 2018

I accidentally went into the boy's bathroom one time and realized it when I saw the urinals.
on October 17, 2018

My friend from Discord (chat server app thing) that I go on needs money and she's willing to do commissions for people. If you'd like to contact her please use the links given on the image above this. I'm trying to help her out. Also if you want to, you can spread to word to your friends.
I really love her work!
My friend from Discord (chat server app thing) that I go on needs money and she's willing to do commissions for people. If you'd like to contact her please use the links given on the image above this. I'm trying to help her out. Also if you want to, you can spread to word to your friends.
I really love her work!
on October 06, 2018

I'd say my most embarrassing moment in high school would most likely be when I leaned too far back on my stool in Science class and fell back. Everyone laughed at me and nobody came to help me up #Sadness #RudePeeps

I feel so sorry for you @OsakoLi …… that was really mean of them. I hope your eyes recovered well.
on October 11, 2018
Mmm. When I went to public school, a girl put sanitizer in my eye and although I screamed, nobody cared or helped me. ☹️
on October 08, 2018
on October 04, 2018
on October 04, 2018

on October 04, 2018

Everybody, my birthday is in 13 days, wish me luck everybody! *waves* ;) :D :-B O:-) &[]
on October 02, 2018
on October 02, 2018
on October 02, 2018
on October 02, 2018

Somebody in my family decided to play a prank on me using my Nintendo 3DS XL. For some reason my date was set to 4/1/2011 instead of 10/1/2018. Hahahahahahahaha…...how hilarious :-O
on October 02, 2018
on October 02, 2018

Look what personality I've got! What about you? This is my own quiz. I told you all I'm a social potato!
on September 29, 2018