Any one here?

Not yet! HAHAHA!
on April 13, 2015

Yep. everyoes now zombies
on April 10, 2015
on April 10, 2015

on March 24, 2015

Does anyone else read a crap ton of books? I know I start and Finnish a book in at least a day. But does anyone ever read anymore?
on March 24, 2015

You see that 15 year old girl holding hands with her one year old son you called a slut?
She was raped at 13.
You see that boy crying you made fun of for being a cry baby?
His best friend committed suicide last night.
You see that girl that you made fun of for having all those bruises?
She is abused by her parents.
You see that bald woman you made fun of? See More
She is dying of breast cancer.
You see that old man you called ugly?
He had a serious injury on his face in the war.
You see that man you make fun of for having all those burns?
He ran into a burning hospital to save his dead daughter.
You see that girl you called fat?
She is starving herself.
You see that boy you called stupid?
He has down syndrome.
Like this status and re-post if you are against bullying.
I bet half of you won't re-post this.
She was raped at 13.
You see that boy crying you made fun of for being a cry baby?
His best friend committed suicide last night.
You see that girl that you made fun of for having all those bruises?
She is abused by her parents.
You see that bald woman you made fun of? See More
She is dying of breast cancer.
You see that old man you called ugly?
He had a serious injury on his face in the war.
You see that man you make fun of for having all those burns?
He ran into a burning hospital to save his dead daughter.
You see that girl you called fat?
She is starving herself.
You see that boy you called stupid?
He has down syndrome.
Like this status and re-post if you are against bullying.
I bet half of you won't re-post this.
on March 17, 2015

Artimayn added a new chapter to For the glory of the gods.
Here we go again
We head of back to the wizard mansion, the treasure split between us, a new sword for me, and a lump in the bards belly...
We take another rout this time, to the north for there is a stable and an inn there. It was about 6 o'clock at night when we got there and I was in the mood for a good old fashioned bar brawl. I was sitting at the front of the bar, ordering us drinks when I ask the bartender "Who is the brawl champion for this inn?" He looks to me and must be thinking I am going to get th... Read Full Chapter
We take another rout this time, to the north for there is a stable and an inn there. It was about 6 o'clock at night when we got there and I was in the mood for a good old fashioned bar brawl. I was sitting at the front of the bar, ordering us drinks when I ask the bartender "Who is the brawl champion for this inn?" He looks to me and must be thinking I am going to get th... Read Full Chapter
on March 17, 2015

Artimayn added a new chapter to For the glory of the gods.

Possession. Not as fun as it sounds.
The child splits into two and flies at me and Candii, And we are trapped within a dark place. We see the ghost again, now in the form of a fully grown Flame elemental. It says "Looks are not all they seem, all is not as it is written, sound is not all you can hear, and to learn something, does not mean you can do it yourself" and we arrive back into the throne room. We, well I, tell the rest of the party on what we heard.
All of a sudden I spot seven chests laid against the wall, with one be... Read Full Chapter
All of a sudden I spot seven chests laid against the wall, with one be... Read Full Chapter
on March 14, 2015

Artimayn added a new chapter to For the glory of the gods.

Ahh Boggarts.
She fly's at the paladin, quite literally, and crashes him to the into ground. I charge over to help him but she summons more magic weapons to distract the rest of us. I am facing a flail of some sort this time, Dodging and ducking like a mad man. I slice at it but it is a bit more manoeuvrable than the daggers. We lock weapons on more than one occasion, then it makes it's one mistake. It goes high, exposing its "body" and as it arcs for my head one quick jab ends it all, I look over to help ...
Read Full Chapter
on March 13, 2015

Artimayn added a new chapter to For the glory of the gods.

Battle of the champions.
I charge at my opponent and land a hit on his arm with a sickening "CRACK", he dissapears from sight. I feel a jabbing motion In my back. I swirl around and crack him in the head. Then he goes into a frenzy, I am dodging left right and center as we battle. I am able to land a few more blows on him, Eventually his rage wears off and we both collapse at the same time, We have another go later and it ends with the same result.
Then, they give us our swords. This is now a fight to the death. I a... Read Full Chapter
Then, they give us our swords. This is now a fight to the death. I a... Read Full Chapter
on March 12, 2015

Artimayn added a new chapter to For the glory of the gods.
The journey onward.
We saddle up the next day, riding in a single file, the ranger leading the way with the map. We were making good progress until those bloody pixies showed up. We were just hit a fork in the road when these things start messing with our hair, and start tying up the horses legs, so we dismount and then they started stealing small things from our satchels, so I started thwacking them away from me and the horse. I then start to feel sharp pains in my neck and ankles as they start stabbing me. Sar...
Read Full Chapter
on March 05, 2015

Artimayn added a new chapter to For the glory of the gods.

Out of the dome and into the mansion.
We head out the next day, with Candii using her magic sight spell to lead us to a hole in the dome, and as we follow the path we start to travel along stone instead of gravel. After about half an hour we walk into this garden of statues, There was a man in the middle of the road, he seemed to be a young knight from a distance but as we got closer we could see evidence of age and wear on his face. "We have been expecting you," He says. "Follow me." And walks off in a odd direction, for there i...
Read Full Chapter
on March 05, 2015