Possession. Not as fun as it sounds.

All of a sudden I spot seven chests laid against the wall, with one being the mankiest chests I have ever seen. It has multiple holes made from wood rot and the iron has rusted. On the opposite end is a chest worth a kings ransom. It is made from pure gold with platinum and silver inlays and swirls. The ghost/elemental/polymorphing thing comes back, but is in the form of an half angel/demon thingamabob. "Remember what I have told you, for you shall need it now, as you have a choice to make. Look to the chests, for in one holds vast riches beyond your petty dreams" It says this in a voice that reminds you of when you see a beautiful girl in one of your worst nightmares, "Look closely, for one shall not be convinced"it says as it fades away.
We now had a choice to make, between one of the chests there was a kings ransom, in the other was most likely death, "I want the gold one!" Candii screams as she charges off towards it. Before I can do anything, Icky yells "WAIT!!". This stops the bard dead in her tracks. "Don't you remember what the shape-shifter said? 'Looks are not all they seem, all is not as it is written yada yada yada?" He and Candii start bickering over it and I slowly edge towards the middle one. For Icky was right, but then the end one is just to obvious. So the choice will fall to the middle chest, which was not magnificent or disgusting. But plain and ignorable. I finally manage to make my way there and I throw open the chest. And inside is one of the most beautiful sights an adventurer would ever see (Apart from something else, If you know what I mean ;) )
The others swing around at the voice Of the thing standing next to me, "You fools, you have paid no heed to this man! Yet he has made the right choice. Be thankful, or you would have died each way."
They all stare at me. I shrug, pick up the chest and walk out the newly appearing door.
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