She fly's at the paladin, quite literally, and crashes him to the into ground. I charge over to help him but she summons more magic weapons to distract the rest of us. I am facing a flail of some sort this time, Dodging and ducking like a mad man. I slice at it but it is a bit more manoeuvrable than the daggers. We lock weapons on more than one occasion, then it makes it's one mistake. It goes high, exposing its "body" and as it arcs for my head one quick jab ends it all, I look over to help Icky and the paladin is in dire need of help, pressed by the superior casting power of the crone, I rush in from behind and stick my sword into her exposed back. She turns on me, lasting me to the side with a wave of darkness, the bard doesn't start singing this time, she seems to be silenced by some sort of spell, Sarah is peppering her with arrows, I am able to rush in again but now Icthemus had the upper hand now, with his hammer glowing with the power of his god, He smashes it into the crones ribs and the energy blows her off of her feet, straight onto the point of my sword. We find nothing on the crone so, we look around the pillar and wedged in a crack is GOLDEN longsword, I wrench it out of the crack and give it a few swings and it is perfectly balanced. Canndi says its a magical sword. I hefted it up and slide it into my sheath. We search around the rock for an entrance or something and find none. So me and Sarah go on one side and Candii and Icky on the other. I lean against the pillow while the ranger has a look, Then I fall through the wall. I land in this massive hall, where the others are teleported next to me. A ghostly child walks up to us, and we draw our weapons and think that we may not of finished off the crone, but it does not attack, it just stands there, looking at us with hollow eyes. Then it talks, with a voice of a child with thousands of years of experience. "We welcome you to our home hero's, we have been expecting you". "So have others apparently." I say.