. See More
*Random club music plays in the background as bacon falls from the sky*
. See More
*Random club music plays in the background as bacon falls from the sky*
on April 07, 2015

I am about to murder so many people right now. Why? *Sighs heavily*
So im writing the next chap for FNaH. This chapter is a long chapter. I've spent about, what? Four hours writing stuff down, and excluding bad decisions. After those four hours, I go to save the fracking chap. But then-NOPE! APRIL FOOLS MOTHAFOE! IT DOESNT SAVE!!! So, now I give up on life. Don't worry about anything. I'm just gonna cry in corner 'till my favorite shows comes on.... T-T :((
So im writing the next chap for FNaH. This chapter is a long chapter. I've spent about, what? Four hours writing stuff down, and excluding bad decisions. After those four hours, I go to save the fracking chap. But then-NOPE! APRIL FOOLS MOTHAFOE! IT DOESNT SAVE!!! So, now I give up on life. Don't worry about anything. I'm just gonna cry in corner 'till my favorite shows comes on.... T-T :((
You can enter the chapter onto Google Drive, then copy/paste it onto the story. Therefore, if the chapter gets deleted, you still have a copy on Drive.
on April 03, 2015

No! Don't give up on life, the site's probably just being a butt right now! Don't feel bad, this kind of thing happens to me all the time! That's why I only have one chapter of one story on here.
on April 02, 2015
on April 02, 2015

I'm gonna start writing the new chap to FNaH! After that, I'll work on the Walking Dead series! Actually I'll update that story two times maybe....
on April 01, 2015

Looks like I'm gonna write the next chap to FNaH; Five Nights at Hell, and The Walking Dead series! But I'm gonna do that tomorrow because I am lazy :P. But I'll get it done!
on April 01, 2015

3+ likes for me to update FNaH; Five Nights at Hell
And extra 3 thumbs up I'll update the Walking Dead story
And extra 3 thumbs up I'll update the Walking Dead story
on April 01, 2015

☝ - how tall are you?: Last time I checked I was 5'4 but that was months ago... So....
✔ - sexual orientation: Straight
✖ - age you get mistaken for: 15-16
☆ - have tattoos?: Nerp
★ - want any tattoos?: Nerp
☯ - have any piercings?: nerp
✌ - want any piercings?: nerp See More
♥ - first letter of crush's name?: I dont have one....
✔ - single or taken: Single
✌ - favorite color: Black (Very elegant color tbh!)
☠ - worst way to die in your opinion: Being murdered
❅ - favorite season: Fall
✔ - sexual orientation: Straight
✖ - age you get mistaken for: 15-16
☆ - have tattoos?: Nerp
★ - want any tattoos?: Nerp
☯ - have any piercings?: nerp
✌ - want any piercings?: nerp See More
♥ - first letter of crush's name?: I dont have one....
✔ - single or taken: Single
✌ - favorite color: Black (Very elegant color tbh!)
☠ - worst way to die in your opinion: Being murdered
❅ - favorite season: Fall
on March 31, 2015

3+ likes for:
☝ - how tall are you?:
✔ - sexual orientation:
✖ - age you get mistaken for:
☆ - have tattoos?:
★ - want any tattoos?:
☯ - have any piercings?: See More
✌ - want any piercings?:
♥ - first letter of crush's name?:
✔ - single or taken:
✌ - favorite color:
☠ - worst way to die in your opinion:
❅ - favorite season:
☝ - how tall are you?:
✔ - sexual orientation:
✖ - age you get mistaken for:
☆ - have tattoos?:
★ - want any tattoos?:
☯ - have any piercings?: See More
✌ - want any piercings?:
♥ - first letter of crush's name?:
✔ - single or taken:
✌ - favorite color:
☠ - worst way to die in your opinion:
❅ - favorite season:
on March 31, 2015

Welp, I'm bored. :/ <Insert sad music here>

Then how about a funny game like that fan made Markiplier game where you shoot Warfstaches?
on March 29, 2015
on March 29, 2015

Only knowing the names of the following dinosaurs; T-rex, Stegosaurus, and the long neck one.... Well that's what I would call'em...
on March 28, 2015

I would ride a broom as if it were a horse and I'd grab a stick from outside and yell; "EN GUARDE!" I poke random things and stuff as if they were my enemies.
on March 28, 2015

If you can ever marry yourself, I would be first in line to do so. xD
on March 28, 2015

My freaking FNaF fanfic was placed as a 'profile story'... WHAT THE F*CK DO YOU WANT FROM ME QFEAST?!?!

on March 28, 2015
on March 28, 2015

*le pokes you*
on March 28, 2015
"Uh, I spent four flipping hours writing a chapter for one of my stories and the website flipping deleted it!"