Six Spirits

I miss my friends. Every last one of them. Ever since the day we performed that charm, I have been a spirit, trapped in the past, amongst the remains of the cursed Heavenly Host Elementary School. Though so were most of my friends: Mayu Suzumoto, Sakutaro Morishige, Yoshiki Kishinuma, Satoshi Mochida and his little sister Yuka, and our teacher, Ms. Yui Shishido. But Naomi and Ayumi made it back to Kisaragi Academy alive. I miss Naomi the most. The times we spent together. We also only had one sleepover. ONE. Unbelievable. But it was a great one. Her mother, Natsumi, is an amazing cook. And Naomi herself gives great massages. No joke. The one time we had a sleepover, she gave me a massage, and God it was like Heaven.
But now those days are gone. Naomi is still alive, and safe back at home. Whereas I am deceased, my spirit left to roam the hallways of this cursed school. And because I, like my friends, are now spirits, we now exist in the same dimension, and we can meet.
But it doesn't feel the same without Naomi...
"Shinohara-san?" I hear a voice calling my surname. Yes, my surname is Shinohara. First name, Seiko.
Seiko Shinohara.
As the figure walks closer, I can see who it is.
"Suzume!" I call back.
"So glad it's you! I found the others too. We're all waiting for you at the library."
"All of you?"
"Well, not quite all of us. Yui-Sensei doesn't want to come."
I shrug my shoulders and follow her.
When we arrive, we see the ashes of a ghost who used to roam this area. Her name was Naho. She was an assistant to a great discoverer, but I forget the name. I think it was something along the lines of Kibiki? Yeah Kibiki sounds right.
Anyway, the ashes. They start forming together into Naho's body, as if her spirit was returning. Which it is.
"Naho-san?" Yoshiki speaks up.
Yoshiki Kishinuma is a great friend of us, though he was always shy around our class representative, Ayumi Shinozaki. It was as if he crushed on her.
"Yes. It is me," Naho replies.
"Why are you back?" I ask.
"I have an offer for all of you standing in this room now." One by one, she looks at us, calling our names out. "Seiko Shinohara. Mayu Suzumoto. Satoshi Mochida. Yuka Mochida. Sakutaro Morishige. And Yoshiki Kishinuma. Upon my revival, I have been gifted the power to temporarily revive all six of you. Where, I do not know. How, I cannot say. But in the world you awaken in, you must find a way to adapt to the world, if you want to remain alive permanently. Fail, and once the time is up, you will return here, to Heavenly Host, once again as spirits."
At that, she narrows her eyes, holding out her hand, and we see her lips moving. Muttering a curse.
A great gasp of wind then surrounds us, pulling us closer together, and we hold tight to each other. Like the others, I am scared. Scared where this will take us. Will we be in the same world? Maybe we'll return to Kisaragi Academy, with Naomi and Ayumi.
Then slowly, my vision begins to fade, as I fall to the floor.
When I next wake, I will be alive again, in another world.
Away from Heavenly Host.
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Also, this story might contain some Soneiko in the future. Be warned.