
So, here I am. Taking in orders from the customers and delivering pizzas or birthday cakes to the kids and parents, at the infamous Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Its about to be three in the afternoon, "Three more hours of work for me!" I sigh as I whisper to myself in slight joy. Not long after that, I see my best friend Acacia rush through the doors of the pizzeria, with panic anschool becajse y written across her face. I furrow my brow in concern. She has never been worried or nonetheless panicked by anything. I walk up to the said girl as she sets her things down inside the employee's lounge. I open the door and call out her name softly, "Acacia?" The said girl just replies with a simple humm as she flops down on the couch with a sigh. I walk in and close the door behind me, still facing her as she gazes up at the ceiling. "Are you alright?" I ask, trying to bring up a conversation to see if I can help her with her problem- if she even has one. Acacia looks at me after a while and sighs as she sits right up. "I got expelled from school because I punched a girl. But she punched me first...!" The aforementioned girl let out another sigh as she rested her head on her hand. All I can do is look at her blankly, trying to put some words together that neither sound like I'm scolding her, nor sounding as if I don't care. I gape my mouth open to say something but I get cut off due to someone opening the door. Amber, the girl who helps the night guard. The aforementioned girl is friendly, although we barely see each other. She does work the nightshift. Although she only helps the nightguard, it is a pretty tough job. "Hey, girls." Amber says with a cheery tone making Acacia slightly smile.
(3rd person P.O.V.)
After the three girls chatted for a while, Acacia and Tiana went to finish their work. Amber on the other hand, just sat at a table and waited for the nightshift to begin. The said girl couldn't get any sleep, hence why she came early to work. Hours passed by but unfortunately for Tiana, she has to work overtime.
After a while, or hours should I say, parents and kids started to leave, leaving the infamous restuaraunt into a state of emptiness. The trio of girls were now the only ones left within this cursed place. All the other employees left for home, but Acacia and Tiana stayed to keep Amber some company. The aforementioned girls shared some jokes here and there, but soon enough, silence fell to the sound of the main entrance doors slamming shut. A shadowy figure made its way up to the girls, but only to the girls relief, it was just Derek. The aforementioned boy was good a good friend to the trio of girls, and to no surprise, one of the girls grew fond of him. I bit too fond.
"Hey, gals." Derek greeted them with a smile. The girls all gave him their share of "Hello"s to the boy. The four talked for a while before the nightshift for the night guards officially began.
After that bit, Acacia and Tiana said their goodbye's as they got their things and walked down the hallway towards the door. As Acacia reached for the door, a silent click could be heard. Acacia pushed the door but it wouldn't budge. " Hmm..." She spoke thinking. Tiana pushed the door as we'll and it still wouldn't budge. Now, the pair were confused, until a voice spoke from behind, "The doors lock automatically when the clock strikes midnight." The pair turn their heads to look at who spoke. Derek was standing still with his hands stuffed into his pockets and his gaze never leaving their's. "Meaning...?" Tiana spoke up with question. "Looks like you two are joining us for the night."
A/N; Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Now, here's the question; What should go on/happen on this night? Comment your answer below! All comments are always considered! Later my Elements!
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To be continued if you want my help :D I'd be glad 2 help ^-^
well... what and where do you want 2 know? ^-^
We can start a chat cause if everyone reads it it wouldn't be a nice surprise now would it ^-^