on October 02, 2020

on October 02, 2020

Tw :/
I cut a bit and I feel. Nothing. And I want to keep doing it.
I cut a bit and I feel. Nothing. And I want to keep doing it.
on October 02, 2020

on October 02, 2020

Ok but the fact that so many students kill themselves because of school really says something

Every kid could kill themselves and nothing would change bc America fuckinng sucks ass let’s burn down the system
on September 28, 2020
on September 28, 2020

I have dance now and I have zero energy I’m. I’m gonna pass out and die see ya
on September 28, 2020

Everyone is venting to me and I literally cannot handle it I can barely handle my own emotions but I don’t want to tell them to stop venting to me rn bc they have no one else’s n I’m mmmmmmmmmmmmm
on September 28, 2020

on September 27, 2020

I wish I had happiness instead of this giant cock ?????

ill take that giant cock off your hands i have a trans friend who needs it ???
on September 26, 2020
on September 26, 2020

Honestly I find it awful that Cavetown was basically forced to come out in order to prove he wasn’t transphobic and to justify the use of the ‘T’ slur. And then the way people were all ‘it’s about time’ and shit is just awful. Cavetown DIDNT want to come out.

Yeah I agree with that, and Cavetown admitted that he shouldn’t have even used the word in the first place but I think what’s more frustrating abt the situation is people’s reactions. People are saying that it’s ‘about time’ he came out and it’s like. He didn’t want to be out in the first time and it doesn’t even. Matter if he’s trans, I don’t see why it’s such See More a big deal?
on October 01, 2020

@your.cool.grandma I really hate when people assume things like that, no one thinks about how much that could've and probably did upset him. Honestly, I'm not a fan of him, but no one should've pushed him to have to come out.
on September 25, 2020
on September 25, 2020

Let’s just appreciate that Saint Bernard is such a good song that the band Lincoln literally made a SECOND VERSION THATS MORE FOLKSY BUT JUST AS GOOD
on September 25, 2020

I also want to get shirts that say like. “The world has bigger problems than girls who kiss girls and boys who kiss boys” and the one that’s like “why be homophobic, transphobic, racist or sexist when you can just be quiEt”
Then I’ll wear them to a family gathering and play ‘who can I offend the quickest by my shirt spitting ‘straight’ facts’
Then I’ll wear them to a family gathering and play ‘who can I offend the quickest by my shirt spitting ‘straight’ facts’
on September 25, 2020

Bouta make some pATCHED PANTS HEHE
on September 25, 2020

I’m literally just trying to vibe and every bit in my body is like ‘no not allowed sad only’ like literally only two bad things happened today why am I sad
on September 24, 2020

My moods have just been
Bouncy bouncy haha happy
Hmmmmnmnm focused
Am i tired, hungry, or sad?
Mmmmmm anxiety got brrrr
Lol I want to die shoot me
Bouncy bouncy haha happy
Hmmmmnmnm focused
Am i tired, hungry, or sad?
Mmmmmm anxiety got brrrr
Lol I want to die shoot me
on September 21, 2020

Anyways I might stop posting here for a while bc a lotta people don’t really. Acknowledge my existence and this place has just become a form of venting and no one sees so it literally doesn’t even help plus there’s constant negativity here so
on September 19, 2020

I love that I can’t say no to my sister bc when I do she gets pissy and then I feel bad lol
on September 19, 2020