Kir k me at _patty_thompson_ please no perverts or anything dirty its just good clean roleplay

Girls only too
on April 03, 2013

on April 03, 2013
on April 03, 2013

Yes I have gotten into writing story's deal with it XD brofist mothafuckin brofist mothefuckin brofist mothafuckin brofist brofist brofist brofist *sings*
on April 02, 2013

xxtoocoolforschoolxx added a new chapter to the joys of being a father
bonding! atleast trying to XD
Stein's POV
This girl is hard to figure out, she likes to experiment like me, but other then that our personalitlys are completely different! Marie suggested I bond with her but I'm not so sure thats a good idea
Ichigo's POV
"What color is MY blood?" I asked myself "I guess I'll have to look and see" I answered my own question. I took out a knife and sliced my arm open I flinched a little then my blood started pouring out "black..." I said "cool!"
Stein's POV
I walked into her room to s... Read Full Chapter
This girl is hard to figure out, she likes to experiment like me, but other then that our personalitlys are completely different! Marie suggested I bond with her but I'm not so sure thats a good idea
Ichigo's POV
"What color is MY blood?" I asked myself "I guess I'll have to look and see" I answered my own question. I took out a knife and sliced my arm open I flinched a little then my blood started pouring out "black..." I said "cool!"
Stein's POV
I walked into her room to s... Read Full Chapter
on April 02, 2013

Please don't be rude about my quizzes, I know they suck but I would really appreciate it if people weren't mean to me
on March 26, 2013

created a

stein's weird and creepy questions
on March 25, 2013

I'm just an anime loving girl that doesn't care if someone calls me a loser or a wimp, I'll just get stein to disect you... JK XD lol
on March 25, 2013