whats your theme song? This quiz only contains song I know, and please don't be rude. This is only my third quiz okay? So be nice! xxtoocoolforschoolxx published on March 27, 2013 Stacked 1/5 How are you today? Lonely Kinda bored and alone Badass! You come near me and I'll kick ur ass! (Me: *hides* don't hurt me) 2/5 Whats your favourite color? (You: *throws pen*) (me: hey! Watch it! You could've taken my eye out!!) Sad colors.. Black BLOOD RED! any color is fine with me 3/5 Do you like anime? I like sad anime shows If there is a character that can relate with me then yeah violent anime! If there is some violence and alot of snobby characters 4/5 last question! But it felt like you were my friend, please don't go No please don't go see ya! good bye, good ridence 5/5 Let fate decide :-) B-) :-D :-!