Layla the stalker:This isn't textile a date or ask? Would you rather jump of a bridge for your girlfriend life or go skydiving and fall to your death for no apparent reason
Flonna:Layla that's the best would you rather you ever did
Flonna:Layla that's the best would you rather you ever did

Layla the stalker:k oh and die when u jump off da bridge
on October 18, 2015

BEN: The bridge.
on October 18, 2015

I ment to put an !
on October 18, 2015
on October 18, 2015

on October 18, 2015

Layla the stalker:Mike you face tastes good
on October 18, 2015

Flonna:I can't lets this matter. Well I have no friends or a boy friend
on October 18, 2015

I got another do a story of your life

BEN: If you reaaaly want to know who my girlfriend is, feel free :Thttp://www.qfeast.com/story/JrbOfz/Glitchy-BREE
on October 18, 2015

BEN: I cried when I heard it. And I was a bit squeamish when she talked about her killing technique... she's more brutal that Jeff!
on October 18, 2015

on October 18, 2015
on October 18, 2015

Hehehehe I dare you to hehehehe to the hehehehe pizza challenge hehehe lol

You get 12 cards and fold them 6 good food 6 bad food and you fold the prices of papers and you get a partner and you make a pizza with chezze souse and douh then you each pick 6 pice of paper then you put the ingredients in bags
on October 18, 2015
on October 18, 2015

on October 17, 2015

If someone doesn't give me a drawing request Ina quit
on October 16, 2015