Look what personality I've got! What about you? I took this off of flonna I know all about her
Flonna:Sorry Scott.............. * her eyes turn to hearts *
Flonna:Sorry Scott.............. * her eyes turn to hearts *
on October 19, 2015

do the smoothie challenge

Bree: Food dares :/. He doesn't like those. I'm going to make him ban those, soon :p
BEN: *comes out* Ok... I think I'm done...
BEN: *comes out* Ok... I think I'm done...
on October 19, 2015

BEN: Oh... Ok! *blends ingredients together* What could go wrong???
BEN: *in the bathroom probably throwing up*
Bree: Again? Really? XT
BEN: *in the bathroom probably throwing up*
Bree: Again? Really? XT
on October 19, 2015

just like the pizza challenge but you blend the ingredient's them drink them in a smootie
on October 19, 2015
on October 19, 2015