That wicked awesome moment when you hit the exact pixel you were aiming at from 15 blocks away on minecraft with a bow and arrow. *pumps fist* I AM AWESOME

Yay! ^-^
on October 27, 2015

I just did that ^.^ And I am so happy :D
on October 27, 2015

on October 27, 2015
on October 27, 2015

When I'm bored out of my mind and want to go somewhere:
Mom: NO I'm tired we're staying home today
When I'm RPing and having fun and working and writing and reading and basically having a good time at home:
Mom: I am SO tired of staying at home all of the time just because you won't get off of your stupid computer we're leaving you have thirty seconds to get dressed
Mom: NO I'm tired we're staying home today
When I'm RPing and having fun and working and writing and reading and basically having a good time at home:
Mom: I am SO tired of staying at home all of the time just because you won't get off of your stupid computer we're leaving you have thirty seconds to get dressed
on October 26, 2015

That moment when your phone is on 20% and you try to use it
Phone: *dies*
Me: -_- Seriously
Phone: *dies*
Me: -_- Seriously

IKR and it said it was at 20% so it shouldn't die yet! It's not supposed to die until 1% or so...
on October 26, 2015
on October 26, 2015

I love RPing because...
1. It's fun
2. I am a fangirl
1. It's fun
2. I am a fangirl
on October 26, 2015

The people that are total bookworms/computer geeks that wish they could do thinks like zip-line, rappel, etc. are the kinds that get on Qfeast.
The people that actually do those things don't get on sites like Qfeast.
The people that actually do those things don't get on sites like Qfeast.
on October 26, 2015

That moment when you realize that you can't be an author because you'll never be anywhere near as good as Rick Riordan...
on October 26, 2015
on October 26, 2015

Aww u wrote my name on ur profile thx!!
on October 26, 2015

Psyche and Eros = Sweetest Greek Love Story Ever
Go Erosyche!!
(sorry I had to say that)
Go Erosyche!!
(sorry I had to say that)
on October 26, 2015

It kind of annoys me when demigods refer to other demigods with the same godly parent as "brothers" or "Sister." Technically, they're "Half-brothers" or "half-sisters." Am I the only person who is annoyed by this?

on October 26, 2015
on October 26, 2015

Oh, alright. But I'd never do the thing in real life...you all know this...
No boys only girls
. See More
I'm warning you guys, I wouldn't go down any further.
Stop only for girls.
If your a guy, I just pushed you up against the wall and kissed you. Comment your reaction of that. If you're a girl, rep0st this and see how many boys disobey you.
No boys only girls
. See More
I'm warning you guys, I wouldn't go down any further.
Stop only for girls.
If your a guy, I just pushed you up against the wall and kissed you. Comment your reaction of that. If you're a girl, rep0st this and see how many boys disobey you.
on October 26, 2015

vive_la_revolution added a photo to the starred list
my first hand drawn anime what do you think comment below if thumbs up good thumbs down bad

on October 26, 2015

Hey guys please subscribe to the page I just subscribed to (Hunger Games RP (2))! Thanks! :)
on October 26, 2015

I couldn't live without my chocolate
Chocolate and I should get married or something
*stares at chocolate*
You know what never mind *eats chocolate*
Chocolate and I should get married or something
*stares at chocolate*
You know what never mind *eats chocolate*
on October 26, 2015

*hugs cereal box* You are my life *grabs chocolate bars* But I need you also
Sister: *takes candy*
Me: DIEE OR ELSE GIMME THE CANDY!!! *grabs it back and growls at her until she goes away*
Sister: *takes candy*
Me: DIEE OR ELSE GIMME THE CANDY!!! *grabs it back and growls at her until she goes away*
on October 26, 2015