i ain't even gonna try to go through my news feed lmaaooo. if y'all wanna reconnect hit me up
on March 12, 2019

literally 99% of those notifications were debates on abortion,,, how the fvck
on March 12, 2019

what the fvck i literally have over 1000 notifications??? i mean makes sense i've been gone for like eighty years but like
on March 12, 2019

on December 18, 2017

Friend/ sister of mine?
Friend/ sister of mine?

Mkay I'll dm it to you
I do think I'm gonna become active on here again tho bc I reeeaallly need somewhere I can write and i high key miss all the pals
I do think I'm gonna become active on here again tho bc I reeeaallly need somewhere I can write and i high key miss all the pals
on March 12, 2019

I have an insta and a snap and I used to have a tumblr and like I have a twitter but I never use it um,
I have an insta and a snap and I used to have a tumblr and like I have a twitter but I never use it um,
on March 12, 2019
on November 26, 2017

*you walk into your room to find me lying dramatically on your bed*
Well hello there ;)
Well hello there ;)
on November 26, 2017

"No lying challenge"
Have you ever lied about your age: Not that I can remember. Probably at some point as a lil kid to seem more mature
Been to the principals office: Literally like every fúckin day. I mean not the principals office, just admin office, to beg for tylenol, but still. The principal and I are pals
Played cool around someone you hate: well I mean... No. I hate very few people but those that I do hate, I curse to hell with no restraint
Wanted to die : yes
Attempted See More suicide: almost
Danced on stage : literally all the time. I've been in a shit ton of musicals, plus I just chill on the stage at my school all the time and dance and sing and do improv games with my drama friends
Made straight A's: most of my life
Lied on any of these: no that would defeat the purpose
What's your favorite?
Song: will not choose
Instrument: don't play any really, but I loove the piano
Type of clothing: jeans
Shoes: chucks
Clothing store: okay so I really like stuff from like Hot Topic, Forever 21, and Kohl's, but I mean lesbereal I ain't rich so like there's this one thrift store that I won't name bc anonymity but it's hella great
Color: purple
Sport: no
This or that?
Books or nothing: books
Family or friends: both
Sports or girly things: girly things and sports do not oppose each other?? But I mean girly things I guess because I aggressively suck at sports
Money or credit card: I, what, credit card is money
Soda or juice: juice
Salty or sweet: no
Computer or phone : depends on the thing
Facebook or Twitter: twitter
Hot or cold: dead
Have you ever lied about your age: Not that I can remember. Probably at some point as a lil kid to seem more mature
Been to the principals office: Literally like every fúckin day. I mean not the principals office, just admin office, to beg for tylenol, but still. The principal and I are pals
Played cool around someone you hate: well I mean... No. I hate very few people but those that I do hate, I curse to hell with no restraint
Wanted to die : yes
Attempted See More suicide: almost
Danced on stage : literally all the time. I've been in a shit ton of musicals, plus I just chill on the stage at my school all the time and dance and sing and do improv games with my drama friends
Made straight A's: most of my life
Lied on any of these: no that would defeat the purpose
What's your favorite?
Song: will not choose
Instrument: don't play any really, but I loove the piano
Type of clothing: jeans
Shoes: chucks
Clothing store: okay so I really like stuff from like Hot Topic, Forever 21, and Kohl's, but I mean lesbereal I ain't rich so like there's this one thrift store that I won't name bc anonymity but it's hella great
Color: purple
Sport: no
This or that?
Books or nothing: books
Family or friends: both
Sports or girly things: girly things and sports do not oppose each other?? But I mean girly things I guess because I aggressively suck at sports
Money or credit card: I, what, credit card is money
Soda or juice: juice
Salty or sweet: no
Computer or phone : depends on the thing
Facebook or Twitter: twitter
Hot or cold: dead
on November 11, 2017

3+ likes for "No lying challenge"
Have you ever lied about your age:
Been to the principals office:
Played cool around someone you hate:
Wanted to die :
Attempted suicide:
Danced on stage : See More
Made straight A's:
Lied on any of these:
What's your favorite?
Type of clothing:
Clothing store:
This or that?
Books or nothing:
Family or friends:
Sports or girly things:
Money or credit card: Cash
Soda or juice:
Salty or sweet:
Computer or phone :
Facebook or Twitter:
Hot or cold:
Have you ever lied about your age:
Been to the principals office:
Played cool around someone you hate:
Wanted to die :
Attempted suicide:
Danced on stage : See More
Made straight A's:
Lied on any of these:
What's your favorite?
Type of clothing:
Clothing store:
This or that?
Books or nothing:
Family or friends:
Sports or girly things:
Money or credit card: Cash
Soda or juice:
Salty or sweet:
Computer or phone :
Facebook or Twitter:
Hot or cold:
on November 10, 2017

on November 09, 2017

vive_la_revolution added a new chapter to Snap
Frens 4ever, except Oof
Of course, Draco ate with the trio every day from then on out. He was more friendly with them in classes, and even started long, heated debates with Snape when he deducted points from Gryffindor for no reason. Because, ya know, any reason to pick a fight with Snape was a good reason to pick a fight with Snape.
But mostly because, well, Harry was pretty damn adorable, wouldn't you agree?
Especially when he got nervous. He would always bite his lip when he was nervous, which was just - oooooooo... Read Full Chapter
But mostly because, well, Harry was pretty damn adorable, wouldn't you agree?
Especially when he got nervous. He would always bite his lip when he was nervous, which was just - oooooooo... Read Full Chapter
on November 09, 2017

vive_la_revolution added a new chapter to Snap
Suppertime (but not for Audrey2 sorry)
Ew. Mashed potatoes.
"And then that mudblood told me she-"
"Language, Parkinson."
"Malfoy, seriously, just fúck off already. We get it, you're emo, we don't care. But leave us alone."
"I will when you leave the Muggleborn alone."
"The... I have never heard that word come out of your mouth before. What happened to you?"
"I stopped acting. So just stop being fúckwits, grow some empathy, and shut your stupid mouths."
"If you're so concerned about the mudbloods, why don't you spend your time with... Read Full Chapter
"And then that mudblood told me she-"
"Language, Parkinson."
"Malfoy, seriously, just fúck off already. We get it, you're emo, we don't care. But leave us alone."
"I will when you leave the Muggleborn alone."
"The... I have never heard that word come out of your mouth before. What happened to you?"
"I stopped acting. So just stop being fúckwits, grow some empathy, and shut your stupid mouths."
"If you're so concerned about the mudbloods, why don't you spend your time with... Read Full Chapter
on November 09, 2017

vive_la_revolution added a new chapter to Snap
Why is he in this play again,,, he doesn't know
First rehearsal. Right. He could do this.
...do what, exactly? He didn't have a damn clue.
Just... Whatever he did in auditions, he guessed. Fake it till he made it.
He showed up ten minutes early to the first rehearsal, but he felt like he was late. Everyone was already there, talking and shit. He barely knew anyone here. Not exactly his circle of friends.
Oh well. He could talk to people. Find out who he clicked with. Go on instinct. Have a good time, in case an asteroid destroyed the world... Read Full Chapter
...do what, exactly? He didn't have a damn clue.
Just... Whatever he did in auditions, he guessed. Fake it till he made it.
He showed up ten minutes early to the first rehearsal, but he felt like he was late. Everyone was already there, talking and shit. He barely knew anyone here. Not exactly his circle of friends.
Oh well. He could talk to people. Find out who he clicked with. Go on instinct. Have a good time, in case an asteroid destroyed the world... Read Full Chapter
on November 09, 2017

vive_la_revolution added a new chapter to Snap
Still in the library~
Draco hummed softly to himself, closing the book and putting it away. He took his time, examining the books on the shelves he passed and running his knuckles along their spines on his way out of the library. He paused when he saw Hermione curled up at a small table, surrounded by books.
He walked up to her, smiling shyly. "You know, that book is good, but there's a much more concise and informative by Barnes. The one you're reading doesn't even cover the ethical implications of magical geneti... Read Full Chapter
He walked up to her, smiling shyly. "You know, that book is good, but there's a much more concise and informative by Barnes. The one you're reading doesn't even cover the ethical implications of magical geneti... Read Full Chapter
on November 09, 2017

vive_la_revolution added a new chapter to Snap
"Malfoy... Why are you acting so weird? What's up with you?"
Draco just shrugs, grinning as he flips through the library book. Pansy leans over his shoulder, scowling, but he ignores her.
"Seriously. What are you even looking for? And why are you skipping class?"
"You're skipping class, too."
"But that's not unusual for me. It is for you."
He shrugs again, grinning when he finds what he's looking for, his eyes drinking in the words on the page.
"Draco! Snap out of it!"
"Snap out of what?"
"Wh... Read Full Chapter
Draco just shrugs, grinning as he flips through the library book. Pansy leans over his shoulder, scowling, but he ignores her.
"Seriously. What are you even looking for? And why are you skipping class?"
"You're skipping class, too."
"But that's not unusual for me. It is for you."
He shrugs again, grinning when he finds what he's looking for, his eyes drinking in the words on the page.
"Draco! Snap out of it!"
"Snap out of what?"
"Wh... Read Full Chapter
on November 09, 2017

vive_la_revolution added a new chapter to Snap
I Want a Hit
"You know, sometimes you've just gotta fúck it all. I mean sure, the future is important, but - the present is the most important. You'll never be happy if you're always fighting for future happiness. You just gotta fúck it all, ask yourself what you would be doing if you knew the world was gonna explode tonight, and do that."
Draco and Blaise Zabini exchanged grins.
"So, an asteroid's gonna wipe out earth tonight. What're you gonna do?" Blaise asks.
Draco shrugs, pausing and... Read Full Chapter
Draco and Blaise Zabini exchanged grins.
"So, an asteroid's gonna wipe out earth tonight. What're you gonna do?" Blaise asks.
Draco shrugs, pausing and... Read Full Chapter
on November 09, 2017

vive_la_revolution added a new chapter to Snap
The Snap
"Draco, you know that you don't have the time for such frivolous matters." Snape's drawl was, as usual, infuriating.
Draco rolled his eyes. "It's not a big deal. I want to do it. I need a break."
"You don't have time for breaks. You need to-"
"I know what's required of me," Draco snapped.
Snape's eyes glinted. "Then you know that you cannot do this... charade. You need to stay focused, boy."
"I am focused. I will be focused."
"Let me make myself perfectly clear," Snape said, enunciating every... Read Full Chapter
Draco rolled his eyes. "It's not a big deal. I want to do it. I need a break."
"You don't have time for breaks. You need to-"
"I know what's required of me," Draco snapped.
Snape's eyes glinted. "Then you know that you cannot do this... charade. You need to stay focused, boy."
"I am focused. I will be focused."
"Let me make myself perfectly clear," Snape said, enunciating every... Read Full Chapter
on November 09, 2017

I have finished writing a thing and now my brain has died
Love y'all, night
Love y'all, night
on November 08, 2017

Are you ever so in love that you can't breathe
on November 08, 2017