You should probably edit your bio. It says that you can't wait for 500 followers... You have 977.

on December 01, 2015

Omg lol you're right!! XD XD I will, thanks
on December 01, 2015
on December 01, 2015

OK, guys. I appreciate your support, but this "kill @Jennyisback" thing is getting WAY out of hand. It was nice when you guys were just showing support and stuff, but now you're bullying her just as much as (or more than) she's bullying anyone else. Fight with kindness. Don't stoop to her level.

I mean, I don't even mind the mild arguments with her. But now everybody is saying that she deserves to die and go to hell and spreading things like that and it's POPULAR... It's gone way too far.
on December 01, 2015
on December 01, 2015

*points to pic below* I can't comment on it, but it is so amazing that this is a thing. It proves that Qfeasters really do care about and stand up for eachother. Thanks, guys. *gives out virtual hugs*
on December 01, 2015

Welcome to Jennyisback's Profile. Connect with Jennyisback on Qfeast to receive quiz updates, start conversations, share photos and lot more

She''l just make another account. This is getting very irritating. I still want to know what I did to make her so mentally insanely out to get me.
on December 01, 2015
on December 01, 2015

ReP0$T - $tarted by @Rose_Quartz_Connie_Maheswaran
Your Qfeast identity (Remember, list your pros and cons) -
Name: Jasmine
Personality: Smart, opinionated, talkative, spontaneous, go-getter, introverted, talkative, paradoxial, INFJ
Gender: Female
Family: Parents, a little sister, an evil cat, and a cute puppy
Likes: Reading, writing, fangirling, RPing, talking, debating, listening to music See More
Dislikes: Bullies, haters, ignorant or annoying people
Your Qfeast identity (Remember, list your pros and cons) -
Name: Jasmine
Personality: Smart, opinionated, talkative, spontaneous, go-getter, introverted, talkative, paradoxial, INFJ
Gender: Female
Family: Parents, a little sister, an evil cat, and a cute puppy
Likes: Reading, writing, fangirling, RPing, talking, debating, listening to music See More
Dislikes: Bullies, haters, ignorant or annoying people
on December 01, 2015

on December 01, 2015

vive_la_revolution added a new chapter to The Big Four
Chapter 14
I hesitantly follow Jack and Kee-oo down the narrow tunnel. Hiccup and Hay-oo follow. I feel like the walls are pressing around me, collapsing, trapping...
I let out a strangled noise. I feel cornered, trapped, unable to move; I’ve got people behind me, people behind me, and unforgiving stone on either side.
I take a deep breath and try to shove aside the fear. I’ll be fine.
We finally emerge into a huge cavern. I stumble over myself, scrambling to get out into the open. I rub my hands up an... Read Full Chapter
I let out a strangled noise. I feel cornered, trapped, unable to move; I’ve got people behind me, people behind me, and unforgiving stone on either side.
I take a deep breath and try to shove aside the fear. I’ll be fine.
We finally emerge into a huge cavern. I stumble over myself, scrambling to get out into the open. I rub my hands up an... Read Full Chapter
on December 01, 2015

vive_la_revolution added a new chapter to The Big Four
Chapter 13
Ow. Ow. Owowowowowow….
After a few minutes, the thudding pain calms down. I look up at the present company.
“Sorry,” I say weakly.
“There’s nothing to be sorry about,” Jack says quickly. “Rapunzel, do you… Do you remember anything?”
I shake my head slowly. “Not much. I remember you. And Merida and Hiccup…” I nod at each of them in turn. “I don’t recognize him, though, sorry,” I mutter glancing at the Wind Spirit.
Jack just nods.
JiA steps in. “Walk with me,” she says with a smile, again gestu... Read Full Chapter
After a few minutes, the thudding pain calms down. I look up at the present company.
“Sorry,” I say weakly.
“There’s nothing to be sorry about,” Jack says quickly. “Rapunzel, do you… Do you remember anything?”
I shake my head slowly. “Not much. I remember you. And Merida and Hiccup…” I nod at each of them in turn. “I don’t recognize him, though, sorry,” I mutter glancing at the Wind Spirit.
Jack just nods.
JiA steps in. “Walk with me,” she says with a smile, again gestu... Read Full Chapter
on December 01, 2015

Me neither
I would write a fanfic about it but I already have a Big Four story sooo yeah
I would write a fanfic about it but I already have a Big Four story sooo yeah
on December 01, 2015
on November 30, 2015

I had to.
I had to.
on November 30, 2015

I have got to stop spamming...
I have got to stop spamming...
on November 30, 2015

on November 30, 2015

I really like this idea. Flynn should be a son of Hermes.
on November 30, 2015

Any long and pointy object will automatically become a sword, a lightsaber, or a ninja-stick-thing in my hands.
on November 30, 2015

Also, why do popular fantasy books have a title named after the main character and sci-fi/dystopia/teen fiction don't?
on November 30, 2015

Why is it that in most popular fantasy books (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, etc.), it has a male lead and a strong female sort of sidekick/love interest/whatever, and in popular sci-fi/dystopia/teen fiction (Divergent, Hunger Games, etc.), it has a female lead and love interest?

Maybe because people like it that way
It's kind of like a style I guess
I never noticed it like that tbh XD
It's kind of like a style I guess
I never noticed it like that tbh XD
on November 30, 2015
IKR! It cannot be this way......GTG to bed now (yes I know its early but I want to write my new fanfic) bye!:p
on November 30, 2015
on November 30, 2015