I may be able to stay on a bit longer but I can't make any promises and @Snakeninja I apologize for worrying you... what I meant was I was going to go to bed... sorry

now I should really get to bed, I go to the doctor tomorrow... He's been talking about getting my anti-depressants... I'm kinda anxious about it... have a nice night @Snakeninja
on November 14, 2015
on November 14, 2015

on November 14, 2015

Me: I self harm
friend: really? so you cut? let me see your wrists. *lifts up shirt sleeve* I don't see anything
Me: Why would I cut my wrists? It's too obvious to tell, I snap my skin with a rubber band or pinch my skin. It feels nice...
friend: really? so you cut? let me see your wrists. *lifts up shirt sleeve* I don't see anything
Me: Why would I cut my wrists? It's too obvious to tell, I snap my skin with a rubber band or pinch my skin. It feels nice...
on November 14, 2015

@snakeninja I don't have an email sorry... and yes I am... I'm a failure to everyone I know...

@Snakeninja thank you so much... is it alright if I would to talk to you I do it on this post? I can't post things on peoples walls...
on November 14, 2015
on November 14, 2015

on November 14, 2015

depression is like a war.
you either come out victorious
or die fighting
you either come out victorious
or die fighting
on November 12, 2015

on November 12, 2015

3+ likes for "No lying challenge"
Have you ever lied about your age:
Been to the principals office:
Played cool around someone you hate:
Wanted to die :
Attempted suicide:
Danced on stage : See More
Made straight A's:
Lied on any of these:
What's your favorite?
Type of clothing:
Clothing store:
This or that?
Books or nothing:
Family or friends:
Sports or girly things:
Money or credit card:
Soda or juice:
Salty or sweet:
Computer or phone :
Facebook or Twitter:
Hot or cold:
Stolen from: @lokilaufeyson
Have you ever lied about your age:
Been to the principals office:
Played cool around someone you hate:
Wanted to die :
Attempted suicide:
Danced on stage : See More
Made straight A's:
Lied on any of these:
What's your favorite?
Type of clothing:
Clothing store:
This or that?
Books or nothing:
Family or friends:
Sports or girly things:
Money or credit card:
Soda or juice:
Salty or sweet:
Computer or phone :
Facebook or Twitter:
Hot or cold:
Stolen from: @lokilaufeyson
on November 09, 2015

@Applewolf_The_Wolfhumanlover can you write a post so we can talk? I can't post, I have no E-mail address. sorry if it's inconvenient...

I don't know how to answer that, so I'm just going to say again. You don't know everything about everyone
on October 28, 2015
on October 21, 2015

happy back to the future day everyone, for those who didn't know today is the day marty Mcfly traveled to in Back To The Future.
on October 21, 2015

I have another account on here, my friends all know that one, when I talk to them on this account I doubt they know it's me.
on October 14, 2015

I'm sorry if I've seemed depresses lately, that's because I am. I have sever depression
on October 01, 2015