villainous_Hero's Starred Polls
villainous_Hero has 20 starred polls

Do you like Yaoi's?
Homestuck; Which Alpha kid?
Homestuck; Which Beta Kid

Is Steven innocent *insert all caps *

What Is Your Favorite. Hetalia. Character. Out Of Theses ?

Would You Rather? ~Hetaria 3~

Would You Rather? ~Hetaria 2~

Would You Rather? ~Hetaria~

Would You Rather? ~Hetaria 5~

Would You Rather? ~Hetaria 6~

Would You Rather? ~Hetaria 7~

Would You Rather? ~Hetaria 8~

Would You Rather? ~Hetaria 9~
Which Kizana Sunobu Design do you like more?

What Time Do You Go To Bed ?

Yuri or Yaoi

chicken nuggets or spongebob

What do you like about qfeast?

Good Side or Evil Side?