Hello my loyal followers <33333333 I know I haven't been posting here much. I have been very busy and I am so sorry. But because I have 103 followers now (thank you so much!!) I will be creating a special surprise for all of you very soon...Stay tuned... ; )
on October 06, 2020

vapelord420 asked a question
please ban me from qfeast. I want to be banned from qfeast. please get me banned.
on August 26, 2020

as promised I posted my nudes because I reached 100 followers. thanks homies! ily all. xoxoxoxoxooxx
on July 08, 2020

on June 29, 2020

created a

Which Avatar: The Last Airbender character are you?
on June 21, 2020

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was ArthurTwerkland
goodbye ArthurTwerkland. its been a good run. the old memories are gone now.
goodbye ArthurTwerkland. its been a good run. the old memories are gone now.

on May 22, 2020
on May 22, 2020

upset and angry to learn the rustlers were disbanded. although I cheated them and lied in order to get in I still felt a special bond. I miss them already and I wish they could be brought back. To my dad Leroi: please re-think disbanding the rustlers. without them qfeast is nothing.
on May 15, 2020

on August 15, 2019

created a

Fire emblem three houses (FE3H) character quiz
on August 15, 2019

hello my loyal 43 followers. fire emblem three houses came out a few days ago....look forward to a FE3H kin assigning quiz. one for each house. its gonna be big. its gonna be intense. please take my quizzes so I can eat and feed my family! I will create them as soon as I can. I love you all.
on August 03, 2019

Maybe if this new quiz reaches 100 responses I will be able to buy myself a cheeseburger for dinner! thank you!
on April 22, 2019

hello loyal followers! 45 of you! please take my new quiz! this is my only source of income!
on April 22, 2019