is tyler gay too ?
on May 16, 2014


Then the fame of knowing deep in your heart you did it. You'd be famous in your mind.
on May 15, 2014

yeah but what if nobody see you beat the crap out of a demon so your death would be like worthless
on May 15, 2014

Yup, but imagine, the fame and glory after your death... it would be amaze-balls. But you wouldn't know, you'd be burning in hell, so....
on May 15, 2014

how can you save the world? unless the demon was like destroying the world then that would be pretty awesome
on May 15, 2014

I don't know... I mean come on, a bus you go splat. A demon you can go out with a bang and maybe even in attempt to save the world!!!
on May 15, 2014
on May 15, 2014

hey u ignoring me?
on May 14, 2014

on May 07, 2014

on May 04, 2014

y u doh talk to me ;(
on May 04, 2014

hey yeah i want to breakup we just never talk anymore and communication is like key in a relationship

right...i get it though, right?? if were going to date we'd have to be pretty close...and its not just you but I think I have to leave...so...stay strong bae, and i will ALWAYS think of you as the best boyfriend in the world :)
on May 02, 2014
on April 29, 2014

why are you going to bed so early ?

well I didn't know u just put it out in the open...you should've like....private chatted...im VERY sorry tho...ive gtg now...bye v
on April 25, 2014

on April 25, 2014
on April 25, 2014

If you want to be in my followers story you just have to comment with some info about yourself (likes, friends, personality, etc.)

on April 25, 2014

well i'm 16 and i love frosted flakes i have an amazing girlfriend who i'm in love with.. i'm super funny well at least i think so.. i can be a jerk at times and i play basketball, soccer, football, and i run cross country and track
on April 25, 2014
on April 24, 2014


If you comment with some info about yourself (friends, likes, etc.) I can include you!
on April 24, 2014
on April 24, 2014