You said I was fake when the whole time you were really the fake one pathetic ? you were faking to be Jenna Mason, if no one beleaves me go look at Jenna Masons facebook page or even look her up on Google! You just got caught ?? #faker
on March 30, 2015

hey yeah i want to breakup we just never talk anymore and communication is like key in a relationship

right...i get it though, right?? if were going to date we'd have to be pretty close...and its not just you but I think I have to leave...so...stay strong bae, and i will ALWAYS think of you as the best boyfriend in the world :)
on May 02, 2014
on April 29, 2014

hey i think i'm in love with you lol

.....................................you want to break up with me??? :( ....................................
on April 25, 2014
on April 24, 2014

I love him so freaking much :-*
on April 23, 2014

on April 19, 2014

Hi :)

that's a complete lie.. why would i like the girl who try to catfish me.. don't listen to her jessica i haven't talk to her in like 3 weeks
on April 20, 2014
on April 19, 2014

random fact.. i love you
on April 18, 2014

on April 18, 2014