my brother is wearing dave's shirt... (without the sign) and wearing shades O: And he has blonde hairrrr!! EEEEEEEEEK
on June 28, 2015

I'm living, quietly bleeding...
I'm bleeding, quietly living.
I'm bleeding, quietly living.
on June 28, 2015

Why does life have to be this way..?
It sucks.
It is filled with heart break.
Why cant we just make it all stop? See More
I just want to leave this world.
It sucks.
It is filled with heart break.
Why cant we just make it all stop? See More
I just want to leave this world.

I hate how people just walk past the homeless, they are the same species as us! why cant we treat each other the same!? -sigh-
on June 28, 2015

I wonder the same....why does life have to be so cimplicated but...we have to be strong...
on June 28, 2015
on June 28, 2015

Rainbow dash? :33
on June 28, 2015

1. Violent
2. I'd marry you
3. Sweet
4. Hot
5. Talkative
6. Tall.. See More
7. Amazing
8. Funny
9. Fun
10. Perfect
11. I love you
12. I miss you
13. Special, unique, and weird
14. Random
15. You're the best
16. I'd date you!
17. Cute
18. Gorgeous
19. Best friend
20. I want a relationship
21. I would take a bullet for you
22. I would catch a grenade for you
23. Just die already
24. your annoying
25: i am dating you
1. Violent
2. I'd marry you
3. Sweet
4. Hot
5. Talkative
6. Tall.. See More
7. Amazing
8. Funny
9. Fun
10. Perfect
11. I love you
12. I miss you
13. Special, unique, and weird
14. Random
15. You're the best
16. I'd date you!
17. Cute
18. Gorgeous
19. Best friend
20. I want a relationship
21. I would take a bullet for you
22. I would catch a grenade for you
23. Just die already
24. your annoying
25: i am dating you
on June 28, 2015

Nightcore - This Is War
[Requested by Isabella] Music: This is War - 30 Seconds to Mars Links are below in the description ~ Check out my channel's facebook page: https://www.facebo...
on June 28, 2015