Which Soul Eater Character are You? (1)

Which Soul Eater Character are You? (1)

I'm sorry. I know there are a lot of quizzes out there with this title, but I thought I'd give it a try since this is my first quiz. Hope it's good! Rate and don't debate! :D

published on December 28, 2013

Alright! First question? What's your favorite color!? and ya can't kills me because... I AM A DEMIGOD!!! MUHAHAHA!!!

Alright! First question? What's your favorite color!? and ya can't kills me because... I AM A DEMIGOD!!! MUHAHAHA!!!
Red. It's badass.
Blue!!! :D
Green. Simple as that.
It's Black of course. :/
Yellow!!! ^W^

You can't kill what wont die, so second question! What do you like to wear?

You can't kill what wont die, so second question! What do you like to wear?
Anything from my closet... funds bebeh! :D
Hoodies, band shirts, graphic tees, jeans, etc... what do you care. -.-
Formal clothes. They suit me rather nicely don't you think?
Me: I can't see you through my screen... :/
Sweaters, Shorts, boots, winter clothes, y'know... OOO, an elephant!
Casual clothes, dress shirts, skirts, shorts, and the such. Dress for success, amiright?
I'll wear anything, as long as it looks decent. l:I

Alright. Simple question. Meister or Weapon? or something else?

Alright. Simple question. Meister or Weapon? or something else?
Meister. Because being a meister is awesome!!!
Weapon. You're the one making the hits, correct?
I'll just be me. I am a GOD! Who'd want anything else, Moron?
I'd be a Shinigami, those are interesting. :>

Now that we're done with that, how bout some roleplay? Yeah? Alright. I'd hate to start off like this but.... Oh! I don't have to. Let's try something different.
:::... You just happened to be walking down the street with your weapon/meister (insert name here). "Um... where are we even headed to, (insert Your name here)?" "We're headed for..."

The training grounds. There has to be training grounds around here somewhere.
Deathbucks of course. I hear they have nice coffee. I wonder if they have decaf and blah, blah, blah... *drones on about it until you get there.
To the park, duh. I hear they have a basketball court. Maybe someone's there we can play with.
I think we should head for the library. It probably has The Hunger Games in there! I can't find that book anywhere! Your Partner: D: Fine. As long as it's no...
I wanna go to the zoo!!! I wonder if they have giraffes there! and elephants, and penguins and asdfljfkljgogljafkjl *incomprehensible gibberish

Yeh. I'm awsum. So, you just happen to turn the corner and see... a kishin hurdling towards you at full speed. (the kishin is far away). You:

Yeh. I'm awsum. So, you just happen to turn the corner and see... a kishin hurdling towards you at full speed. (the kishin is far away). You:
Use my weapon and kill it. That bastard! >:(
I'll work with my partner to take him down, then I'll take his soul!
Use quick moves, work with my partner, and kill that lowlife! No NO ONE, can beat me!!! Then, I'll make them bow down to my glory! Me: How can you make somet...

Suddenly, you see a group of people come and fight the kishin, battering him down, and finally, one of them takes his soul. They run over to you to see if you're alright. (You just happened to had of fallen on the ground.)

Suddenly, you see a group of people come and fight the kishin, battering him down, and finally, one of them takes his soul. They run over to you to see if you're alright. (You just happened to had of fallen on the ground.)
WHAT!? I'm never scared of anything! I totally could've handled it. (Those bastards! They took my spotlight!)
DId I almost... fail...? What's wrong with me...? (Looks at hands)
Who are these people...?
Blood is everywhere! Ha ha ha!!! :D
Can I help you...?

The boy with the snowy white hair and red eyes comes to help you up. "Are you alright?" You:

The boy with the snowy white hair and red eyes comes to help you up. "Are you alright?" You:
Scream like the fangirl you are
Tch. I didn't need your help anyway...
Y-yeah... I 'm fine...
Grab his hand and blush as he pulls you up... ^////^ "Y-yeah. I'm f-f-fine.." Stutters like crazy
Jump up and yell: HEY! I AM A GOD! BASK IN MY GLORY! HAHAHA! Soul: Rrrright... >:/
Yeah. Thanks for the help. l:)

I think I've had enough of roleplay for now. Shall I continue in a story? :D I'll do requests! :)

I think I've had enough of roleplay for now. Shall I continue in a story? :D I'll do requests! :)
Sure. That's cool.
Yeah you should! I just might read it! :)
Sure. Why not?
WILL IT BE ABOUT ME!? Me: Stop y-yelling. I'm sensitive... D: I guess you could be in it, just ask. For reals...
Ponies!!! Haha. :D :D :D >:D

Alright. Whose your favorite boy from these choices?

Alright. Whose your favorite boy from these choices?
Soul. He's cool!
Black Star! He's funnay! :D Derpl.
Kid-kun. Duh! :D
None of those losers! Haha! Me: You're rude. :(
Yeah. I think I'll pass on this one.
Crona. He's so sweet. :}

Who's your favorite girl?

Who's your favorite girl?
Maka! :)
Can I skip this one? It's soooo hard. Me: Just choose one or I'll kick you! >:I You: Okay! Tsubaki.
Patty! She's lots of fun! :D
Liz is alright. :/
A healthy soul dwells within a healthy skin and a healthy flesh. Me: Wut? l:I

What about rating and or following? Can you do that? D: I'm to new here. and after this, your results.

Nah bruh.
I guess... it wouldn't hurt.
HELL TO THE NO! Me: Hurtful... D:< Kia KICK! Yeah. I invented my own thing, sorta.
GIRAFFE. Me: Carnage.