I had no school yesterday because the rods were to slick don't you love when you get I day of from school
on February 14, 2014

on total drama world tour heather dose not win the 1 million dollars because she throw als pin apple dummy in instead of hers goo team CHRIS IS REALLY REALLY HOT!!!!!!
on January 26, 2014

tdiizzy217218 asked a question
whos better rainbow dash or rarity vote for your favorite rainbow dash or rarity to see...
on January 03, 2014

tdiizzy217218 asked a question
if you could chose what friend to have on total drama revenge of the island would you b...
on December 07, 2013

if you had to pick a friend form tdri who would you pick anne maria or dawn
on December 05, 2013

what did you think of total drama island
what did you think of total drama island did you like it did you not like it and what is your favorite couple
what did you think of total drama island did you like it did you not like it and what is your favorite couple
on November 09, 2013

tdiizzy217218 asked a question

which character is your favorite tdri Zoey or Mike what character do you like comment ...
on November 03, 2013

good news everyone Courtney and gwen are friends again if you don't believe me go to YouTube and type in total drama all stars episode 7 :D
on October 24, 2013

who would win in a game of basket ball izzy or chef
who would win if izzy and chef decided to play a game of basket ball
who would win if izzy and chef decided to play a game of basket ball
on October 14, 2013

if izzy and Chris got in a fight who would win
who would the fight izz or Chris chose and please comment
who would the fight izz or Chris chose and please comment
on October 10, 2013

tdiizzy217218 asked a question

do you think tdi Courtney and Gwen will ever be friends agin do you think the will ever...
on October 08, 2013