What Cutie Mark Crusader are you? Applebloom? Scootaloo? Sweetiebelle? hmm... I wonder if there's a secret... TAKE THE QUIZ AND FIND OUT ABOUT YOUR INNER PONY KID! rainbowdashlover published on May 26, 2012 Stacked 1/5 When do you think you'll get your cutie mark? Soon Not EVER It takes time CONFUZZLED 2/5 Who is your favorite pony in ALL of Equestria? Rarity Rainbow Dash Princess Celestia Applejack 3/5 What is your favorite activity Riding on my AWESOME Scooter Singing... in private DOING KARATE! 4/5 What is your favorite food? Apples Muffins Anything Rainbow Dash likes. 5/5 WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD There ARE NO roads in Cloudsdale! Why? CHEEZBURGER Ask Pinkie Pie, I don't know that stuff.