swageyamatobiyolo's Starred Questions
swageyamatobiyolo has 15 starred questions
Who are y0ur OTPs? :3 Sorry, I'm in the mood for shipping. Mine are... Kyoko Sakura X S...
Who is your favorite Youtube rapper, music maker or singer? So anyone on utube that u t...
Which YouTuber is Your Favorite? There are so many wonderful YouTubers. My favorites ar...
What is your favorite song on Earth?
Favourite Film or Movie Many of them, time to narrow it down...
whats your favorite band/artist?
who would you date if it was a celebrity? i would always and never change date bradley ...
Which celebrity would you marry?

What was the first song you heard from your favourite singer? Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend

Who's Your Favourite from Five Seconds of Summer? I love Luke!!!! :D :D :D He is just s...
Do You Understand This Joke? Once there were three men named Manners, Shut Up, and Poo....

What is your best April Fools Day joke you pulled on someone? I'm wondering what you've...
Book Crushes! GUYS AND GIRLS This is for guys and girls, and please keep the books g ra...

What is your least favorite Harry Potter book? And what is your favorite book and why? ...