okay, im gonna go read insurgent and go on instagram AGAIN ARTEMIS_THE_HUNTER PLEASE FOLLOW ME
on May 05, 2014

on May 05, 2014

god i cant find my the fault in our stars copy THIS IS TORTURE
on May 05, 2014

created a
How much do you know about The Fault in Our Stars?
on May 04, 2014

created a
How much do you know about Supernatural? (1)
on May 03, 2014

superwhomerstardiverglock added a new chapter to Twist and Shout Alternate Ending
Chapter 2
When Dean woke the next day, Cas was as he was for the past week he'd been there. Then all of a sudden Cas coughed, his body wracking with the strain, and another, it seemed as if he was trying to expel all the breath from his lungs, Dean jolted awake from half-asleep to wide awake and slammed the call button. Tessa bolted in and pushed Dean out of the room to make way for doctors. After which he made way to the waiting room. He flipped through a magazine absently while his mind was on Cas. N...
Read Full Chapter
on May 03, 2014

i am writing more to the alternate ending ok? a chapter a day or around that Okay?
on May 03, 2014

you can also email me @evilmonkeyemily@gmail.com
im really bored and supernaturals not on for awhile and im dying for a new episode
im really bored and supernaturals not on for awhile and im dying for a new episode
on May 03, 2014

Ok. I am a fangirl. my username describes the main fandoms im in. star is TFIOS for those you who dont know. please follow me on instagram @artemis_the_hunter to know more about. TWIST AND SHOUT RUINED MY FRICKIN LIFE but i enjoyed it. send me a message about a fandom and ill tel you if im in it. JUST SO YOU KNOW IM CAUGHT UP IN SUPERWHOLOCK AND TFIOS AND I AM HALFWAY THROUGH INSURGENT, DONE WITH HUNGER GAMES I HAVE REREAD HARRY POTTER MORE TIMES THAN YOU CAN THINK TOO please See More message me. i literally have NO life
on May 03, 2014