Part 1

I look to see a colorful,dark hedgehog.He had black quills, with neon green stripes. He looked at me with bright blue eyes. I shrugged.
"Hi,I'm Diamond."
"Hey,Princess.I'm strike." My eyes narrowed. How did he know?!
"What,how do you know?!"
"I know everything." what? I walked in my dorm.The beds were separated.
"I'll take the bed on the left.",I told him. He shrugged and sat on his bed. I opened my journal.I continued writing.I heard a loud ringing noise. I covered my ears. I fell of of the bed and on my knees. I held my ears.The noise hurt my ears so badly i was shaking. Then it finally stopped. I kept shaking though. I heard the door open. I stood up. It was Starlet and someone else. It was a badger with black hair dressed in a black jumpsuit.
"Ok, Strike follow me and Diamond follow her.",Starlet told us. I followed the Badger into this brown room,followed with a brown dentist chair.
"Don't worry this will only hurt a little bit." She showed a long sharp shot with green stuff in it. My eyes narrowed. I laid down in the chair. Then these metal cuffs came out of the chair and cuffed my wrists. The badger came close to me.
"What are you doing?! What are you- AHH." I screamed when she put the shot inside my arm. "What did you do? What did you do?",I kept asking but no answer. I got dizzy,and everything was a blur."What,did,you,do?What did you, do?" I fell asleep.
Strike's POV
I heard Diamond screaming and asking questions over and over. What did they do to her? I was cuffed in the chair, but I didn't mind. I kept hearing her.Then,there was silence. My eyes narrowed."AHH! God!" I became really tired now. Everything was a blur. I fell asleep.
Diamond's POV
I woke up on a rock, ground. How'd I get here? It was a clear day. I quickly sat up and stood up on my feet. I was in a patient dress. It was clear.The patient dress barely covered my legs. I heard a scary sound. It sounded like a zombie,or a monster. I looked to my right and saw these scary grey and lime green creatures. They had horns, no nose at all.There was a bunch of them running towards me.
"Virus,virus,Virus.",they kept saying. I ran. I noticed I had no shoes on.
"Oh, crud!" I ran and ran,but there were still rocks everywhere. I seen a girl with blonde hair. I screamed to her. Then a virus tackled her and bit her neck. The girls turned into one. "Remember, not everything is real." Silver's voice ringed in my head. I have an idea!! I bent down beside a dumpster. I was on my knees getting rocks out of the ground. I cut my hand and there was a huge,deep,bloody scratch.I went faster tearing most of the rocks off. I found a brown door,with a golden handle. There was a Virus 4 feet away from me. I quickly grabbed the door knob and jumped out the door. I held on the door knob,not sure where I was. I opened my eyes to see a light blue sky. I was in the sky? I looked down and I was hanging from the door knob in the sky. If I didn't hold on I would fall! i closed my eyes and prayed. What if I let go? Would I fall an Die?! My hand was slipping. I put the other hand on top. "Oh no.Please don't let me die. Please. Oh no.No,no,no,no,no,no, No!" I fell. I kept falling.
"AHHHHHHHH!!!", I screamed. I closed my eyes. I fell through a green portal. I fall out of the portal onto a cracking sement ground. The ground was cracking open.
Out comes rushing water,and washes me out.
That's when I actually woke up. I was in the chair still,cuffed. I had a big,mechanical,blue helmet thing on my head.What the heck? The badger comes in the door.
"Hey,what is this?",I suddenly ask.
"Its a helmet to see what your doing in your illusion. Basically, it is what you do.That way everyone gets to watch you on T-V." Everyone is watching me? She un cuffs me and takes the helmet off. I stand up.I fell against a wall. Badger opened a plastic case and hit a red button. A orange and brown rabbit,dressed up in a nurse clothes came in.
"What happened?",she asked.
"Diamond,has a bad reaction to the shot."
"Oh, alright then. Diamond sit back in your chair.I won't cuff you or anything like that.And,I'm gonna need you to leave please.",she said pointing towards the badger. I sat back in my chair. The nurse came back in with a cart,full of stuff. Everything was a little blurry. Nurse hops, grabbed a little shot with clear liquid in it.
"I promise this will be a pinch." It didn't hurt at all. Hops then took a little wipe to wipe my arm.
"I'll be right back,I'll get you something to eat.Oh,i almost forgot.You can turn on the T,V and change the channel to watch each person." I nodded and smiled. I grabbed the remote from the little stand beside the chair. I like Hops.She's a good nurse. I clicked through the channels and found Strike. I left it on Strike's. Strike was in a different illusion. He was in a devil's lair trying to get away. Strike broke through the red chains and ran. Everything was red and dark. Strike and I had become good friends. Strike fell into a black mirror. This time he's in the ocean?! Suddenly a sea monster grabs him.
"No!",I yelled.I quickly covered my mouth. I quickly changed it to Lunti's. She had the same one as me. Wait?! Lunti never found the door. Instead she ran with the girl. Smart. I looked to the little stand. I grabbed the shot inside a bag. I took it out. It was a pretty big shot with green fizzy stuff. I put it inside my boot for now. Hops came inside with a tray of food.
"Here you go.This i'll help get your strength back. It was a red plastic tray,with an apple juice bottle, grilled cheese and tomato soup, and a pop can to take.
"Thank you.They don't feed us this much food.", Hops laughed. She cleared the little stand.Hops moves the stand over to me like a little table.
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Okie im done ^-^
And if you want, you could put one of my characters in there. Here they are...
-Lunti the Budgie (Lesbian)
-Sunni the Conure (Lesbian
-Karana Coyote (Straight See More
-Scoot the Parrot (Bi)
-Starlet the Hen (Bi)
I might use your characters