Let the games begin

Today is the day of the games.I'm nervous! I opened my dresser.I laid a pair of mint green sports top, with sweatpants,and pale purple running shoes. I took a shower.Silver had said yesterday that i didn't need to pack.Weird. I got changed and put a hair tie on my wrist. Sapphire, sonic,silver,and Amy were waiting in the car.
2 hours passed and we got there. I walked in and looked for my name on the desks. I finally found my name but, Lola wasn't there. The secretary looked up at me.
"You must be Diamond. I'm Starlet. Follow me to your dorm." I waved goodbye to my friends and followed Starlet. We went in and it was a small grey dorm.It had a bunk bed, a computer, and a desk. I guess I have to share. "Well,Um, Mint will come and get you for training. Here is some more information on the games and such." She handed me a stack of folders. Starlet left. I looked at each folder. The door opened. I looked to see a neon pink cat,with her mint green hair up, and a short light purple dress. She smiled and waved at me.
" Hi,I'm your trainer , Mint. Yea,I remember this dorm. I had to deal with this for 4 years straight. So, you ready to start training?"
"Yea I guess.",I said. I followed her outside. There was an obstacle course with a wall, weapons, some uneven bars, a track field, and more.It was muddy since it had rained hard last night.
"Ok,Diamond, to warm up I want you to..." Training was exhausting! Mint made me run 4 laps, do push ups on the bars, and try to climb the wall. I was so tired last night. I went to my dorm. Starlet walked in.
"Here's some clothes for 4 days with shoes too. There's already soap in the locker room. And by the way,you need a shower!!",I smiled. I looked in the box,and there was a black dress,along with boots too. I went to the girls' locker room and there was a lot of girls in there. I found an empty shower at last.
Lola's POV
I was walking in the girls locker room and saw Diamond again. . I tried to kill her. I was so close!! I tried to peek in her shower stall. I only saw nothing. . I walked out side and flew to the roof. I peeked down bat,style and saw her stall to plan an attack with my knives. I stalked her a little bit. But, she threw soap at the window and pulled down a curtain. I flew of the roof and sat on a bench. I pulled a bottle of root beer out and drank it. Something stabbed my neck. I felt my neck.I touched something bumpy and square. I pulled it out. I wiped the blood off. It was a microchip!! I looked around and saw i was drinking root beer! I'm on medication I can't drink root beer!! I probably stalked diamond!! I am not a killer.! Who did this? I flew to the girls locker room and saw Diamond walking out. I quickly flew out and caught up with her.
"Diamond,I can explain!",I said while flying.
"What do you want Lola?"
"Please 5 minutes."
"Fine!",she said as we sat on a bench inside. I sighed.
"Listen I'm sorry I tried to do that stuff.I was controlled by something. I can't drink root beer either."
"Is that why your acting like this.Unless,your a killer."
"No,I'm not that. I was controlled by a chip." Diamond believed me. We made up and shook hands.Now, I have to tell the starvation games headquarters that i can be Diamond's stylist.
Diamond's POV
Lola and i made up. I have been training hard. Today is part 1. Whatever that means. I went into the cafeteria. I saw Lunti with her friend.I sat down by myself next to an orange bunny. He was eating chips so loud! Anyways, a neon pink hedgehog, i think walked in the front of the room. She wore a pink and black puffy dress,and her blue hair was really puffy too. She wore a lot of blue makeup.
"I will pair you up for your dorms. Ok,first pair is.. Diamond,and Strike. Go to Diamond's dorm." I walked out of the room. Who's strike?
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Okie im done ^-^
And if you want, you could put one of my characters in there. Here they are...
-Lunti the Budgie (Lesbian)
-Sunni the Conure (Lesbian
-Karana Coyote (Straight See More
-Scoot the Parrot (Bi)
-Starlet the Hen (Bi)
I might use your characters