The what games now! No way

I have been staying with them for almost a month now. I just woke up. I changed into a light blue dress, with black boots. My hair was in a braid with black ribbon. I went down stairs. Only Rouge was sitting down,watching the news.
"Hi,Diamond. The others are still sleeping.
"Oh,um,ok."I shrugged. DING DONG.The doorbell rang.I started to walk to the door.Rouge flies in front of me.I smile and sit down. A dark blue hedgebat with neon blue hair walks in. Rouge sits down next to me.
"Uh, excuse me,Diamond?"
"Yea that's me."I say to her.
"Ok.Hi, I'm Lola. I'm a secretary from the Great Starvation games. Yea um,you have entered your name. So, you got in and you'll be one of the people who compete.Mint, or The Great Frostbite, will be your mentor.Don't worry hun, Mint won 3 times. Any ways,be there tommorow. I'll be your secretary and dresser. I'll be at the front door,along with Mint. I'll tell you any other details there.Bye,bye,Honey bunch!" She left. I was in shock. My mouth hung open. Shadow walked in. I knew he entered my name. I seen him on the web site. I ran over to him.I grabbed his neck and pushed him against the wall. Shadow's eyes narrowed.
"Why did you enter my name without permissen.",I scolded.
" Because."
" I want, i- want you to be a freedom fighter.",He managed to say. I let go of his neck.Shadow fell down.He breathed like he couldn't breath before. Rouge came out of the bathroom. Then, Sonic woke up. Sonc saw Shadow on the ground panting.
"Diamond what happened?!" I looked at my hands. What did i do? I didn't do that. It was like I had no control of myself. I ran back up stairs. I took my braid out. I let my hair down. I took a step outside. I need to get to know this place better. Yes. I went down stairs with my wallet. I hurried to the door. I seen Sapphire,and everyone else talking to Shadow. I quickly went outside on.On? Sugar Street. I seen a diner. I went inside and sat on brown stool.
"Hey.",Someone said next to me.
"Um, hi?"
" I'm Lunti and this is my friend Sunni."
"Hi,I'm Diamond." Lunti smiled. A waiter asked me what I wanted.I guess I ordered a big glass of red cola. The waiter came back. I seen the glass and it was pretty big.I never actually had that before. I took a sip.It was strong at the beggining,but then it was better at the end.I like it. I decided to think about the great Starvation games. I had heard about it before. I guess it would be fun.Even more fun to win though.I looked to my right and saw Lola drinking a big mug of root beer 4 stools away from me. That mug was huge!! Her cheeks were pink.I knew she was weird. I had to go to the bathroom. I was washing my hands when all of a sudden Lola comes out of a stall.I was starting to leave,but Lola pushed me against a wall.
"Hey pretty Diamond. Watcha doin? " . Before I could answer Lola tried to kill me. .It was wrong though. I pushed her away and left. I drank the rest of my drink. I laid 5 bucks even though it was only 4.50$. I left. I finally got "Home". As soon as i walked inside Silver looked at me. He got up and everyone stared.Silver grabbed my arm. I had to follow i guess.
"Diamond, Rouge and Shadow want to talk to you.",I glared. Silver left me in the room. It was a bright yellow room. There was a table, and a windowstill. Rouge was sitting outside the windowstill. Shadow sat on a chair beside the table.
"Well, well,the hedgehog who tried to kill me." I glared. I noticed Silver chained me. I had a plan.
"Don't try to get out." I smirked. Shadow was making me mad. I jumped up and broke the chains. I walked out.Shadow grabbed my wrist.
"I meant to say I'm sorry.I should've never entered your name." I relaxed. What is happening to me? Im not the same. I felt something stabb in my neck. I kept rubbing my neck. Silver came.
"What's wrong Diamond?"
"Something's in my neck."Silver looked at my neck.He pulled out a small chip. That's probably why I'm acting weird!! Silver nodded.
"This is a microchip.It controls your emotions. Eggman!" We both smiled. I am happy now. Well, Shadow and i made up. All because that stupid microchip! I'm happy.Very happy!
"Diamond, lets go celebrate!!!", I smiled.
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Okie im done ^-^
And if you want, you could put one of my characters in there. Here they are...
-Lunti the Budgie (Lesbian)
-Sunni the Conure (Lesbian
-Karana Coyote (Straight See More
-Scoot the Parrot (Bi)
-Starlet the Hen (Bi)
I might use your characters