Chapter Two

Soot was it? The black and white one? And Stub was the grey Manx? Flamingwhisper struggled a sigh. "Shush flea fur" Greyscar grunted. Flamingwhisper glared at his attacker, 'Stupid furball!".
"Feel free to join the party when ever" Hawkfrost's voice sounded, like a alert to start off the battle. Once again Greyscar tried the lean for the killer bite. But Flamingwhisper had gained his energy and was too quick for Greyscar. He pounced on Greyscar, sending him flying.
Flamingwhisper swerved under Greyscar's belly, biting it. Greyscar yelped, "you little-", but was cut off by a yowl. Flamingwhisper charged again, clawing Greyscar's muzzle. "I've had it! No more easy play!" Greyscar growled and head-butted him, clawing whatever he could hit.
Flamingwhisper winced in pain, as Greyscar bit his tail. In a few moves, Greyscar had pinned Flamingwhisper down again. "Now who's laughing?" Greyscar laughed cruelly.
Flamingwhisper gulped ready to feel death's icy grip, but so far the only thing he felt was the splashes of blood falling from Greyscar's muzzle. And there once again was the death biting jaws, ready to kill. Flamingwhisper closed his eyes, letting Greyscar's hot breath wreath around him. And then it was gone, the hot breather gone.
Flamingwhisper opened his eyes, was he in Star Shine? No. But who was that? A brown figure tumbling around with Greyscar, smaller. And why was Greyscar yowling, "TRAITOR, TRAITOR"? Flamingwhisper heaved himself up, aching all over.
Then the figure was clear, Mudpaw. Flamingwhisper gasped, this couldn't be happening! Flamingwhisper shook away his thoughts, and charged over to them, knocking Greyscar off his feet. Fight, Fight.
Greyscar sped off, blood droplets flying off of him. Mudpaw panted, and collapsed on Flamingwhisper. Flamingwhisper licked his son's ears, gazed out onto the battle. A grey pelt ran through the crowd, Stonefeather. And what was that? A the tiger slinking toward him!
Flamingwhisper shoved Mudpaw off and ran.
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